hed the sigh of the exhausted and frustrated. She slid her head across the pillow until it rested next to his shoulder. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. What can I do for you?”
“Nothing.” She forced a smile. “I’ll be fine in six weeks.”
Six weeks? What fresh hell is this?
Gabriel blinked slowly. Somewhere in the recesses of his memory he recalled Dr. Rubio’s Athena-like pronouncement that intercourse had to be delayed. But the duration of the delay hadn’t truly penetrated his consciousness.
“I would if I could.” Julia sounded apologetic. “I’m sorry.”
Her earnest tone roused him from his reverie. “You have nothing to apologize for.” He kissed her lightly on the nose. “Here.” He slid his arms under her body and gently assisted her in rolling onto her side, facing away from him.
He spooned behind her, sifting his fingers through her hair. He felt her body begin to relax beneath his touch. “I’ll rub your back.”
His hands slid sensuously over her shoulders and down her back. Skin to skin, he caressed her. And where he found tension, he massaged. “How does this feel?”
“Great.” Her body sagged against the mattress.
“And this?” He focused his contact on her right shoulder.
“It feels good.”
“Then just feel, sweetheart. I’ll stay right here. Right here.” He pressed a slow, chaste kiss to the area between her shoulder blades and felt her shiver beneath his lips. “I’ll be good. I promise.”
He knew her body. He knew how to build the pleasure in her, and how to make her toes curl. But in these moments, his sole purpose was to care for her and help her fall asleep.
She moaned softly, her eyes closed.
His hands slipped down to her lower back. He kneaded the muscles carefully, and whispered his fingers across her skin.
Julia’s breathing evened out and soon it was clear she’d fallen asleep.
Gabriel continued to caress her, but more lightly. “Thy love is better than wine,” he spoke in the darkness. “I’ll never get over my desire for you.”
With a final caress, he kissed her shoulder and carefully rested his hand on the curve of her hip. He sighed and lifted mournful eyes to heaven. “Give me chastity, Lord, at least for the next six weeks.”
Chapter Seven
An infant’s cry split the silence.
It took time for Gabriel to shake off his sleep, like a swimmer struggling to reach the surface. Julia rolled over next to him. He heard her fumbling with her cell phone.
She groaned.
“Is it time?” His voice was gravelly with sleep.
“Not for an hour.” Julia sank back against the pillow and covered her eyes with her hands.
“I’ll go.” Gabriel pushed back the covers.
“No, I can do it.”
“Just rest. I’ll check on her.”
Gratefully, Julianne pulled the covers over her head.
Gabriel crossed to the playpen and lifted a crying Clare into his arms. The baby quieted for a moment as he held her to his bare chest. But then she continued.