Julianne put down her champagne to give him her full attention. “What are you saying?”

Gabriel’s sapphire eyes gleamed. “You know what I’m saying.”

She leaned across the table. “Didn’t you listen to what Katherine said? You can’t break your promise to the University of Edinburgh.”

“What about my promises to you? And to Clare?”

Julia sat back, shaking her head. “You have other options.”

“Yes, you and Clare could join me in Edinburgh.”

“I’m trying,” Julia whispered through clenched teeth. “I probably shouldn’t have approached Cecilia as soon as your lectures were announced. I caught her at a bad time.”

Gabriel lifted his arms at his sides. “Months have passed. She hasn’t changed her mind.”

“April. Let me ask her when we’re in Oxford. Graham Todd will be there. Maybe he will talk to her, too.”

Gabriel rested his hands palms-down on the tablecloth. “I can give you until April, but only because the lectures are scheduled in the winter term of 2014. But if Cecilia refuses and you still choose to work with her, then I’m going to solve the problem myself. I won’t have you on one side of the ocean, unprotected, while I’m stuck in Scotland. And that’s that.”

Julia’s face fell. She lifted her fork and started picking at the food on her plate, then gave up and put the utensil down.

“Here.” Gabriel stood, placing his napkin on the table. He came around to her side and nudged her over, sitting next to her on the love seat.

Julia was caught between a sleeping baby on one side and an obviously intent Gabriel on the other. She had nowhere to go. “What are you doing?”

“I’m touching you.” He placed his arm along the back of the love seat and drew her into his side.

Julia trembled.

His mouth grazed the shell of her ear. “I’ve dimmed your light. Now all the brightness has gone out of the room.”

When she didn’t answer, he swept her hair behind her shoulders and grazed his fingers down her neck. “What can I do to bring back the smiling, happy Julianne of a few minutes ago?”

She turned toward him. “Promise me you won’t give up the Sage Lectures.”

Now it was Gabriel’s turn to be silent.

Julia’s mouth found his ear. “I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me. Never again.”

Gabriel clenched his jaw. “We make sacrifices for each other. That’s the point.”

“This sacrifice is too big. And it isn’t necessary, because there are other ways around it.”

“I won’t do anything without speaking to you first,” he conceded.

Julia placed her hand on his knee. “I will be fighting just as hard to protect you, as you are fighting to protect me and Clare.”

Gabriel’s face softened, as did his voice. “It’s the mother in the species that’s truly dangerous.”

“Exactly. Don’t get between a mama bear and her family. Now, are you going to stay here or are you going back to your chair?”

“It’s lonely over there.” Gabriel flashed a rakish smile. “And you’re gorgeous.”

“You are infuriatingly charming.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He nudged the strap of her sundress aside in order to press a light kiss to her shoulder. “But I’d do anything to make you happy again. Forgive me. I’m trying my best.”

She gave him a half-smile. “I want another glass of champagne. But I know I’m not supposed to drink while I’m breastfeeding. When we get back to our hotel, I demand satisfaction.” She gave him a knowing look.