“I’m yours,” I said, around his thumb. “Anything you want to do me, that’s your right.” I waited just a second before adding, “As my brother and my husband.”

“Fuck,” he snarled. “I need to be inside you. Right fucking now.”

He inhaled deeply, and then repositioned himself, now with his cock at my opening. My heart leapt into my throat as I realized this was the moment. It was about to happen. I squeezed his hand hard, but he didn’t look up at me. Not right away. His eyes were locked on his cock, which now rested at my opening. With a few flexes of his hips, he dragged the tip back and forth through my folds. Every time he touched my clit, I shuddered and tipped my hips, trying to get more of that feeling. I’d never be able to get enough of that feeling.

He fisted himself, holding the head right at my opening. “Once I start, I won’t stop.”

I nodded. “I know.”

He nibbled his cheek, watching me. “You think you know. But you’ve got no idea. It’s gonna hurt. You know that.”

“Yes,” I gasped. “I know that.”

“But I won’t stop until the hurt is gone. Got it?”

My toes curled and I nodded again. “Yes.”

“You fucking ready?”

I felt a tiny bit more pressure at my opening.

“I think so,” I said softly, “But I’m scared.”

“Don’t be scared,” he said, smiling now, making my heart melt. “I’ve got you. I love you. I will always take care of you.”

A flood of warmth filled me as I gazed up at him. “I love you too. So much.”

“Alright, beautiful. It’s fucking time.”

Slowly, he pushed himself inside me. The pain was mind bending, and I winced. It hurt so badly, I almost couldn’t keep my eyes open.

But just when the pain felt almost unbearable, the most mesmerizing wave of pleasure crossed Maksim’s face. I had never seen him look so content or so happy. Never, in all the time I had known him.

He grunted and shook as he pounded my depths. Though my body felt like it was splitting in two, though I wanted to scream out in agony, I funneled all of my pain into surrendering myself to him. To this. To us. To this forbidden, sinful, wonderful thing we were doing together.

Something gave way inside me, causing a searing, shooting pain to tear up through my pelvis and into my stomach, followed by the acrid smell of blood filling the air. I buried my face in his shoulder to suppress a cry, trying to embrace the pain rather than resist it.

“I’ve got you,” he said, gruff and close against my ear. “I’ve fucking got you.”

Reaching up above me, he unbound my wrist from the headboard, and we automatically embraced each other.

“Oh my goodness,” I gasped. The pain was making the room spin, making me feel like I didn’t know which way was up. “Please don’t tell me it’ll always be like this.”

“Fuck no,” he said, now pressing slowly into me. “It’ll feel good. Really fucking good. Just wait.”

With careful, gentle movements of his pelvis, he seemed to soothe the pain I’d felt from the inside out.

“Ohhhhhh,” I moaned, melting into the pleasure as the pain fell away. “Yes,” I whispered on an in breath as he penetrated me all the way again. “That…”

“Fucking told you.”

I could feel his smile rather than see it. But that was enough. That smile. That happiness. There was nothing I wouldn’t give to make him feel that forever.

Very slowly, he slid in and out of me. The feeling changed as my virgin blood gave way to a new kind of thick wetness. I let my thighs fall open even more for him, drawing me knees toward the mattress as he took me deeper and deeper, faster and faster.

With every flex of his hips, I felt my body moving toward that place of bliss again. It was different this way, from the inside out, but it was happening all the same. “Oh my god,” I said.

“You are so fucking tight,” he growled. “This pussy. My stepsister’s fucking pussy. My wife’s fucking pussy.”

Though I’d never been so close to anybody, skin to skin, breath to breath, I still needed him closer. I wanted to disappear into him, somehow, some way. I hooked my legs together around his hips and gasped as I felt the room begin to flicker again. He was taking me there, to that place he took me.

“Maksim… I’m going to…”

“Fuck! Give it to me. Right fucking now. Come on your brother’s cock. Come on your husband’s dick.”

My mind swirled with this new reality, this sea change of life and future.

Come for him, your brother. Husband. Lover. Enemy. Protector. Come for him, he who is everything at once.

As I came, his face changed into one of even more intense pleasure. And just as I was tipping into the sea of bliss, he changed his rhythm, slamming into me with such strength that it took my breath away.