Her chest rose and fell once she was done. And I said nothing.

“Josh. You need to say something, anything. We’re doing a fake bullshit marriage, and now I’m pregnant. Please.”

At that moment I wished I had the right words to say. But I didn’t. I had no idea how I felt, other than one particular urge that I couldn’t ignore—I had to get away.

So, that’s what I did. Without saying a word, I turned and left.

“Josh!” her voice followed me, quieting as soon as the door to the patio was shut.

I kept on, putting as much distance between myself and her as possible. I knew it was the most shameful, cowardly thing I could’ve done, but it’s what I did. And I only stopped when I heard the voice of Sam cut through the silence of the house.

“Bro. Congratulations.”


He grinned. “Come with me.”

Congratulations. This was bad. Not knowing what else to do, I followed Sam into the lounge where he shut the door and locked it. “Sit down. We have a lot to talk about.”

I was busted. Fucking busted. I’d been wondering when this was all going to come crashing down, and this was it. Still in a daze from Cass’s news, I dropped into one of the chairs and stared off into space.

“You with me?” Sam sat down across from me. “I need to know you’re with me. This is an important conversation we’re about to have.”

I took a deep breath and came into the moment. “I’m with you.”

Sam smiled again, as if savoring what was going to happen. Finally, he spoke.

“You know I’ve suspected something’s going on with you and Cass. I smelled bullshit, and it looks like my sense of smell was accurate.” He chuckled. “All this investigating I’ve done. But it turns out I just needed to be by the right open window in the right room at the right time.”

“What did you hear?”

“Everything. Cass is pregnant and the engagement is a lie. What else is there to know? I suppose I could ask what your motivations are, but that’s obvious. The real question is what we’re going to do now.” He leaned forward in his seat. “Let me ask you this—what do you think we should do now?”

“Sam, I found out that I’m going to be a father. This is hardly the time for bullshit.”

He shrugged. “Maybe you’re right about that. Maybe if you didn’t want to be talking to me right now, you could’ve done something other than run away when she told you the news. You’ll never get that one back, though, sorry to say.”

He was digging in, really taking his time to let me know I was fucked and he had me right where he wanted me.

“But let me ask again—what do you think I should do with what I know? I mean, you’ve been lying to everyone. This plan of yours is done. The only question is how you want it to end. Though maybe that’s not in your hands right now.”

“Let me talk to Cass. I need to sort this out with her. Then you and I can decide what to do next.”

“And put this off until after Christmas? No way. This changes everything, and you’re not doing it on your timetable.”

“Then what do you want?”

“Josh, I know we’ve had our differences. But I’m not a total fiend. I’m thinking about the family, our company—everything. I know if news gets out about what you’ve done, it’ll be the scandal of the decade. And it’ll be a disaster for the company. So, here’s what we’re going to do—tonight, you’re going to call this off.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Do I look like I’m joking? Because I’m not. You’re going to call this off in front everyone. Make up whatever excuse you want—cold feet, you’ve been having an affair, marriage isn’t for you. Whatever. But as of tonight, it’s over.”

“And I bet you think you’re being a real pal by doing this.”

“I do. I’m giving you the chance to avoid scandal. And then after the holidays, we can talk about handing the company over to me. You can go back to whatever it is you do, and Dad will know Taylor will be in good hands. And whatever you decide to do with Cass, well, that’s up to you.”

I shook my head. “No. I’m not doing that.”

Sam’s eyebrows rose. “Are you serious?”

“I’m as serious as it gets. I’m not putting Cass through that tonight after she just found out she’s pregnant. She’s been through enough already without being exposed.”

Sam said nothing for several moments, taking in my words. “Make your choice. Because tonight’s the one chance you have. And there’s nothing more to be said.”

“You’re right about that.”

I didn’t waste any time getting the fuck out of there. I had a hell of a night ahead of me.