Then again, if Cassidy didn’t agree, it’d look like I’d had yet another fling. I imagined word getting back to Dad about that one and it going over as well as an airhorn in a library. But that wasn’t something to worry about right then and there.
The day was sunny and cold, not a trace of snow on the ground or in the clouds above. I made my way down to Ira’s, the best bagel shop in town, and ten minutes later was the proud owner of a bag stuffed with a half-dozen bagels, three different kinds of cream cheese, and a pair of coffees.
I had to admit my stomach was a touch tense as I returned to the room. I imagined Cassidy gone, having come to her senses and the plan seeming as distasteful as it might’ve been. But she was there, on the couch in a soft white robe, her hair wet from a recent shower. She flicked her eyes onto me from the phone in her hand.
“Hope you’re hungry. I got mostly everything since they’re the best bagel, but there’s a few others if that’s more your thing.”
She definitely looked like she had something on her mind. But I wasn’t about to start prying it out of her. I set the spread on the table along with some plates and silverware, and when it was ready, she wordlessly came over and sat down.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to know.
“OK. What’s up? You given any thought to—”
“Oh, I’ve given it some thought.”
She sighed halfway through a spread of cream cheese on a bagel half. “It’s about the most fucking insane thing I’ve ever heard.”
“I know, but you know what they say, the more insane, the more likely it is to work.”
“Is that what they say?”
“Sounds like something they would.”
“Not sure who ‘they’ are.”
“People who pull off insane plans.”
“Hmm.” She finished her spread in silence as I waited for her answer. “Last night was a mistake.”
“Is that right? Sure as hell didn’t feel like one when it was happening.”
She nodded. “We hooked up before, and that was fine—things happen. But one and done, I’m OK with. Doing it a second time—”
“We can one and done that second time too. Not like we’re in love with each other or anything—only pretending.” That was my oh-so-subtle way of broaching the topic, hoping I’d be able to find out one way or another if she was on board. All signs now were for a big “no.”
“That’s the other thing—”
I paused mid-bite, knowing the big moment was at hand. I had a feeling this woman was going to eat me alive.
“Yeah.” She sighed, and I prepared for the worst. “God help me, but I think I’m in.”
Whoa. What? For a second I wondered if she was screwing with me.
“You’re in?”
“I’m in.”
I couldn’t resist pumping my arm like I’d scored a touchdown in Madden. But I kept myself in check, not wanting to look too giddy.
She shook her head as if feeling on some level she was making a huge mistake. I knew she wasn’t—this plan would be great for both of us.
“As much as I’d like to say no, I can’t turn down what you’re offering. Starting my own firm’s been a dream of mine since I graduated, and I told myself I’d do it by hook or by crook. And this is…definitely one of those two things.”
“Hey, you’re doing some good in the process. Think of my old man and his bum ticker.”
“I suppose there’s that too. But I’m not entirely convinced you’re not motivated by some slightly less altruistic reasons.”
“Then I’m going to be happy to prove you wrong about this thing.”
She shrugged, as if sensing there wasn’t anything else to say about the matter. “But if we’re going to do this, we’re going to set down some ground rules.”
“You got it.”
“First of all, no more of that.” She gestured vaguely toward the bed, the scene of what I’d thought was one of the best decisions I’d made in a while. Guess she didn’t feel the same way.
“No more sex?” I took a touch of pleasure broaching the forbidden word.
“Obviously no more sex.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Is it that obvious? I mean, not like it was bad.”
Her face turned a notch red, and I could tell I’d hit a nerve. “I mean, that’s not really the point, whether or not it was bad.” She cleared her throat and went on. “But yes—no more sex. Regardless of how good it may or may not have been.”
“If that’s your call, then that’s your call. But can a guy ask why?”
“Because we don’t need to have one more thing to worry about on top of a plan that’s already causing me a good deal of worry before we’ve even had a chance to get it off the ground.”