“Please don’t tell me he’s here.”
“He’s here.”
I slumped down in my seat. “Oh no. I really don’t feel like dealing with this right now.”
“It looks like you’re going to have to. Because he’s coming over here.”
“Are you—” My body took over my brain, and I whipped around in my seat.
Sure enough, there he was. And, of course, he looked good as hell. Josh was dressed in a casual white button-up, the sleeves rolled up his taut forearms. His hair was mussed in an effortlessly sexy kind of way. Dark jeans and clean white sneakers completed the look. His tattoos peeked out from his undone collar, reminding me of how he looked without his shirt off. As much as I hated to admit it, the sight of him was enough to make my pussy clench.
And, like Katie had said, he was on his way over, a cocky smile on his face that suggested he didn’t care if I wanted to see him or not—he wanted to talk, and he was going to do it. Moments later he was at the table.
“Evening, Marten sisters.” His voice was like melted butter, all confidence and easy charm, his lips in a small smile.
“Hey, Josh.” Katie’s voice was all girlish flirtation.
“Hey.” Mine, on the other hand, was crisp and brusque. I wanted him to know I wasn’t exactly giddy about seeing him.
I glanced over at Katie, eager to see how she might react.
“I’ll give you two a few minutes to catch up.” She got up and grabbed her drink. “Come find me when you’re done!”
Katie flashed me a playful smile over her shoulder that made me want to scream. There wasn’t anything vindictive about what she’d done—if anything, she thought she was doing me some kind of favor—but it still left me alone at a table with Josh Taylor, who at that moment was all smiles.
In fact, it wasn’t only his usual cocky smile. No, there was something else to it—something that made me think he had a plan on his mind.
“Good to see you, Cass.”
I was uneasy right away. There was definitely something he wasn’t telling me.
“Yeah, good to see you too.”
He sipped his beer. “Feels like five minutes ago we were here. Time flies, huh?”
The bland conversation did nothing to set my mind at ease. I wanted to know what he was thinking, and I wanted to know right then and there.
“OK, Josh. There’s something on your mind, and I want to know what it is right now. This isn’t about work, is it? Are you, I don’t know, trying to leverage what happened between us to get some insider info on the place before you start? Because I’ll let you know right now, I don’t play those kinds of games.”
At first he did this kind of shocked and hurt thing, as if he couldn’t believe that I’d even suggest such a thing. But thankfully, he seemed to realize right away that he wasn’t dealing with a dummy. He glanced away, putting together what he was going to say next.
“I have something I want to talk to you about. Something that I don’t quite know how to say.”
I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Wait—was he going to talk about “us”? Was he going to tell me that, somehow, he’d developed, uh, feelings for me since we’d last seen each other? It was almost too crazy to consider. But then again, we’d admitted our mutual crushes for each other…
My heart raced.
“What is it?”
“You remember what we did the last time we saw each other?”
Images of that very thing flashed through my mind. His cock, his abs, the face of gorgeous intensity he’d made when he’d come…it was all as clear as the day it’d happened. But what did he want to say about it?
“I…do. And I remember it being pretty intense.”
He appeared confused, tilting his head in a way that reminded me of a confused puppy. Sure, a 6’3″, insanely gorgeous puppy, if there were such a thing, but a puppy nonetheless. Almost cute, really.
“Oh!” His voice was heavy with surprise, his eyes going wide. “You mean…that.”
Now it was my turn to be confused. “You don’t? Then what on earth are you talking about?”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong—that was very memorable.”
“Glad to hear you think so.”
“But no, I was talking about the other thing, the thing that got us talking in the first place. The…fake thing.”
He reached forward and touched my ring finger, a sizzle of heat rushing through my body. Without thinking, I jerked my hand back, and right away embarrassment took hold.
“Sorry, wasn’t expecting you to do that.”
“No worries.” His smile was easy and unbothered. “But you know what I’m talking about now, right? The thing with you pretending to be my fiancée.”
However confused I was before, now it was even more pronounced. “Yeah, of course. That plan was totally insane, by the way.”