“Now what?” she asked, her tone sensual.
“Turn around.”
A coy smile and she complied, getting on all fours on the bed and pointing that perfect ass right in my direction. I wanted to play it cool, but why? My fantasy. I climbed onto the bed and then I climbed onto her, clamping my hand onto her ass and giving it a squeeze before I positioned my head right at the opening to her perfect pussy.
She wiggled her ass to let me know she was all sorts of ready. I entered her slowly, a soft moan sounding from her as I put all of my inches inside of her, Cassidy’s pussy gripping me tightly as I did.
So fucking good. I held fast for a moment before pulling back and driving into her, more sounds of pleasure coming from my gorgeous fuck buddy. I went in and out, building up speed and bringing both of us closer and closer to orgasm.
My pounding kept up at a furious pace, along with my jerking in the real world, and soon I was ready to come.
“Don’t stop,” she moaned. “Please, please don’t stop.”
No plan to. I kept fucking her until I was at the point of no return, and with a grunt I unloaded deep inside of her, Cassidy’s pussy clenching in orgasm as I did.
“Fuck!” I shouted in the shower. My cock pulsed in my hand, rope after rope shooting out and into the running water.
And then it faded and I was done, left with one thought—Cassidy, and what the hell what that meant.
Chapter 12
We were headed home, and the excitement on Katie’s face was a total mirror inverse of the apprehension on mine.
“Come on!” said Katie, nearly bouncing in the passenger’s seat. “I seriously can’t believe you’re this worried about the trip.”
I glanced in the rearview mirror, watching the towers of Manhattan disappear beneath the horizon. The city vanishing put me in even more of a state of near-dread.
“You know I don’t like leaving the city. Makes me feel weird.”
“I know you don’t, and that’s exactly why you need to leave the city. You don’t want to turn into one of those weird people who forget there’s a world outside of New York.” Her eyes flashed, as if remembering something. “I went on this date with a guy who told me halfway into it that he hadn’t left Manhattan in a year and a half. Can you believe that?”
I cocked my head to the side, my eyes on the road. “Are you serious? That’s weird.”
“That’s exactly what I said. And he told me that Manhattan had everything you need—why would you need to go anywhere else? The guy acted like I was the weird one for thinking he was the weird one!”
“No, he’s definitely the weird one in that case.”
“I know—believe me, you don’t have to tell me twice.” She kept her eyes on me, as if trying to puzzle something out.
“You know I don’t like it when you look at me like that. It’s creepy.”
“I’m trying to figure out what you’re not telling me. There’s something else to why you’re being so cagey about the trip.” Her eyes flashed one more time, and I realized the gig was up. “Oh come on!”
“What?” I asked, feigning ignorance.
“You’re being like this because you’re worried about Josh.”
“No—” My tone was like a kid who’d totally been called out on having a crush on someone.
“That’s exactly it. You’re freaking out because you’re scared you’re going to bump into him again.”
“I’m not going to ‘bump into’ anyone because I’m planning on being at home for the entire trip.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Are you telling me you’re not going to go to the Christmas tree lighting? Or to Greta’s for banana pancakes? Or hell, even doing some last-minute Christmas shopping with me? I know for a fact that you didn’t get everything on your list for Mom and Dad.”
She had me there.
Katie went on. “So, you’re not going to be at home the entire time watching cheesy Christmas romance movies with Mom. And even if you had planned on that, there’s no way Dad would let you take over the TV for that long.”
“All right, all right. I guess my plan of staying at the house the entire time isn’t exactly realistic.”
“You’re right about that. And doing all of that because you’re worried about bumping into some guy you hooked up with? What difference would it make even if you did? I mean, maybe it’d be a little awkward, but it’s not anything that’d ruin your holiday, right?” Her eyes flashed again, and once more I realized that I was busted. “Cass!”
“Don’t ‘what’ me—you know as well as I do what I’m going to say, so you might as well be a cool sister and save me the trouble.”
I let out a sigh, knowing there was no way to get around it. “Fine. I’m worried that something might happen again.”