I stepped into Rosemary’s, one of my usual spots when I needed a drink. Minutes later I was at the bar, a glass of red wine in front of me as I cozied up in the mellow ambiance and low lights.
But as soon as I wrapped my fingers around the stem of the glass, the same mildly disgusted feelings toward alcohol that I’d experienced when out with Katie returned. I forced myself to take a sip, but as soon as it was down the hatch I wondered if I was going to even be able to finish the glass.
It was worrying. Sure, I hadn’t been planning on getting hammered or anything like that, but a glass of wine or two when I was feeling blue was my usual pick-me-up. What would I do if I couldn’t even count on that?
I slumped into my seat, wondering what the hell I was going to do with myself. But before I could even have a chance to wallow in self-pity, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye that caught my attention.
A turn in my seat pointed me toward a small two-top table, a handsome blond guy and his equally beautiful and equally blonde date with him. There was a strange tension in the air. My Hallmark sense began to go off, and I quickly realized what was about to happen. My gut tensed, and my face went hot.
“Excuse me?” The man rose slightly from his chair, gesturing for all eyes to fall on him.
Seriously? I thought. Not enough that you have to propose in public, you also have to make everyone watch?
I wanted to get the hell out of there. My gaze flicked to the bartenders, but they were already focused on the scene, the same as everyone else in the restaurant.
“I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but there’s something I need to ask this woman, and I’d like nothing more than for everyone to share in the moment.”
The woman’s hands covered her mouth, her eyes already wet with tears. Great.
“Kimberly, ever since we met at that office party three months ago, you’ve been the only thing on my mind.”
Three months? Good luck with that hasty decision.
“And I know, just know, that my life won’t be complete unless you’re in it. So—” He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small, black box—“Will you make me the happiest man on earth?” He popped open the box, the light catching the ring setting it all aglitter. “Will you marry me?”
There wasn’t even a beat of silence before the oh-so-happy Kimberly responded. “Of course I will!”
The guy stepped around the table and Kimberly rose, the ring slipping neatly onto her finger before the two embraced to wild applause.
“All right,” I said, getting up. “I think I’m done here.”
I waved around, trying to get the attention of the bartenders. But, of course, no one there gave a damn about anything but the heartwarming scene.
“Anyone? We running a restaurant here or what?”
Still no dice. Frustrated, I reached into my purse and took out a twenty and tossed it onto the bar and seconds later was back out in the chilly night air.
I didn’t know what to think as I walked past the window of the bar, taking one last glimpse of the scene inside, the couple still hugging and kissing like it was already their wedding night.
What the hell was wrong with me? Hadn’t I barely a half hour ago finished wiping my tears watching the same thing on TV? Why was the same thing, only in person, having such a different effect on me?
Maybe it was too real. It’s one thing to see a happy couple tie the knot on TV where it could be safely compartmentalized. In person it was a whole other thing, reminding me of the fact that other people, not me, were getting married.
I started my long walk home, nothing on my mind but whether or not I’d spent the last few years kidding myself about what I really wanted.
But the scariest part was this—as soon as the idea of marriage popped into my mind, it was followed by a familiar face. Josh Taylor.
As if I didn’t already feel like I was going crazy.
Chapter 11
Damn, can’t a man watch his Hallmark movies in peace?
My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I slipped it out as I shook my head and checked the screen.
Sadie. “Hey! Kinda bored at home, seeing what you were up to. Been a while! Lmk ;)”
Didn’t exactly need to be an expert in romance to know what that text was about. And it was the third of the night, from the third different girl. Shit like that made me wonder if they’d gotten some news bulletin about the conversation I’d had with Dad and were trying to screw with me.