“And then there’s the third option. I don’t…I don’t keep the baby. Life continues as normal. But then I’m afraid I’ll regret my decision. I’m afraid that you’ll hate me for choosing career over family and—”

“Eve,” he says calmly. “I will never hate you. It’s impossible.”

“But what if—”

“Eve, it’s okay. I’m really glad you’re thinking things through, and you’re not rushing into this. It’s a big decision, one that’ll impact you one way or another. I’m not going to fault you or hate you or blame you for taking this seriously.”

I sniffle and nod, too worked up to do much else.

“The way I see it,” he says, “you’ve listed three options. You keep the baby and you juggle family and career. You keep the baby and focus solely on family, giving up your career. Or you put your career first—and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah. That sums it up nicely.”

“There’s a fourth option I think you didn’t consider because you didn’t know where we stand.” Nate smiles gently. “We can raise the baby together. Your mother’s done an amazing job as a single parent. There’s no doubt in my mind you’d be a great mom too. But you don’t have to do it alone. We can bring the kid up together and balance everything more evenly. You don’t have to choose one over the other. That’s what I’m here for.”

“Really?” My voice is high-pitched and breathy and dripping with disbelief and awe. “You really want to be a father? I’m not tying you down against your will if I decide to keep it?”

“I’m here by choice,” he stressed. “Don’t you ever doubt that. I’m here for you. I’m here for our child. But the decision is ultimately yours. I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

I throw my arms around his neck and pull him into a tight hug, over the moon to hear his answer. With just a few short sentences, Nate has melted away all the doubts that have been plaguing me for days. The worries are still there, but in the way that good parents are always worried for their children. Mistakes are inevitable when raising a baby, but at least I know I won’t have to make and learn from them on my own.

“Then let’s do this,” I say, giggling wildly. “Let’s have the baby together.”

Nate beams brighter than I’ve ever seen him. “I’m going to be a dad?”

I nod. “You are. You really are.”

He hugs me back, holding me like I’m the most precious thing in the world. I can barely contain my excitement. My hands are shaking with adrenaline, eager for the possibilities to come.

“I just have one question,” he asks, letting me go to look at me seriously. “Why did you stop answering my calls? I get that you were pissed, but you wouldn’t even allow me to see you.”

I swallow, breathing shakily. “Um, well…that.”

“Tell me, Eve.”

“Your mother.”

“I know. She’s a real piece of work. She didn’t deal with the grief of Jacob’s passing very well. Neither did I, frankly, but I’ll work on that.”

“That’s not all,” I mumble quietly.


“She came to talk to me. At the ballet academy. I think she may have spread rumors about us. I don’t have confirmation, but I get the feeling that’s what happened.”

“Are you serious?”

I grimace. “That’s not all. She basically told me that I couldn’t see you again. If she found out I tried contacting you, or if she ever saw us together, she said she’d have me…Well, basically she’d have me barred from auditioning anywhere in the state. Maybe even elsewhere, knowing her connections.”

Nate’s face blanks. His body becomes rigid. It takes him a minute or so, but he soon relaxes. There’s nothing but resolve in his dark green eyes.

He threads his fingers through my hair and dips his head down to press our foreheads together. Once again, I find myself grateful for this quiet moment, a passing peace in these uncharted waters.

“I’m so sorry, Eve. That’s truly awful of her,” he says. “I’ll handle my mother once and for all. Trust me.”

“I trust you.”

Nate kisses me again, deeper this time. It’s slow and unhurried and perfect.

A-Ma pokes her head around the corner of the hallway, grinning like the little gremlin she is.

“Can I come out now?” she asks.

Nate and I laugh before kissing yet again.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Mother is the one who opens the door. It creaks on its old hinges as it swings open. Her judgmental gaze passes over me and settles on Eve, who I’ve got a protective arm around. Mother’s mouth falls open, likely to start screaming profanities like the morning she caught us together, but I cut her off before she gets a chance.

“Eve and I are together,” I state calmly, though loud enough for even our neighbors to hear. “Eve and I are in love. We’re going to have a child together. And there’s not a goddamn thing you can say that’ll change any of it.”