Is it a good idea to razz up the law when we haven’t even started with buying up the town?

Probably not, but the stakes are higher than ever for me now.

“Where’s Jacinta?” her mom asks, cutting through the tension.

“That’s what I came here to find out,” I growl, feeling my hand balling into a fist.

The stupidity of these people, this whole situation…

Goddammit, why did you have to go and run Jacinta?

Wherever she is, I’m gonna find her.

“Deal with this, Rick. And make sure we get everything in this town. Especially this diner and that sheriff’s office,” I whisper forcefully, regaining my composure and giving a stern single nod to my team before I go.

“Oh and Rick?” I add, leaning in so only he can hear, “Find out where Adelle, the diner manager lives, and text me the address. Priority one.”

No need for him to even think, just find out her address and text me.


Every silent eye in the place is on me as I leave, but once I get to the car I can hear them all.

A hundred questions all fired off at once.

Who are we, what are we doing here and what do we really want?

Old, tiny towns.

They really are all the same.

And a dime a dozen any other day of the week.

But right now, I’ve got better things to do. Like, find Jacinta.

My Jacinta.



I can’t go back, not even after I’ve stepped right into a hole filled with muddy water, ruining my shoes and my jeans.

I can’t face Kyle. Not after the ridiculous performance, I just gave.

Taking the narrowest path from the inn, I find myself in some woods pretty quickly. A muddied, dirt road that looks seldom used seems like the way to go.

If only I knew where that was right now.

The morning’s cold and now I’m soaked through in the worst possible way compared to how soaked and happy I was with Kyle.

Taking it for granted even.


I sniff back tears, wondering where on earth I could be heading towards because in my heart I know I shouldn’t have left Kyle.

I can’t go far anyway on foot and soaked through, which only worsens when it starts to drizzle.

Double crap.

I try to stay calm. Try not to beat myself up too much for overreacting like a brat. But soon enough the warmth of my tears is about the only thing keeping me warm as the wind whips up from the valley. Feeling and even looking like it’s only raining over the woods I’m walking into.



I spin around, wipe my tears and force a smile, certain it's Kyle come to get me, he followed me all this way and got wet himself no doubt.

But it’s just the wind.

No Kyle.

Only my imagination.

Wanting Kyle now for more practical, even serious reasons like feeling freaking safe.

There’s something in the same wind that isn’t my imagination, and I figure it must just be noise from the highway, or a local doing their thing.

There’s not too much action in the woods around Cherry, as far as I know. But as the seconds go by I definitely hear something.

A car, maybe a truck getting closer and closer.

I know the sight and sound of Kyle’s car by now, the image of him pleasuring himself in it etched into my brain forever.

But this sound, this car coming isn’t his.

Someone else is coming, right along a deserted section of dirt road.

I try to swallow, but can’t.

I try to tell myself it’s probably that pesky sheriff out looking for me, but I know it’s not.

I try to tell myself it’s Kyle in another car, but that’s impossible.

Making for the tree line as the car gets closer, it’s clear to me now it's heading this way. I stumble into the low-lying wire fence of barbed wire. Yelping in shock and a little pain when I feel it tears my skin as well as my clothes.

Clothes that Kyle was helping me out of only last night.

And just a few hours later? Here I am in this mess.

Kyle, I’m sorry.

I’d do anything to have you back. To tell you how sorry I am.

If he wants to take Cherry, he can have it. But take me too.

Frantic by now, I’m clamoring down a small gully and then back up again, wetter and muddier then before and no closer to going anywhere but nowhere fast.

I feel the mud under me squelch as I slide on my ass, letting myself give in to how hopeless my situation is right now. Figuring I’ll just have to face whoever or whatever it is coming my way.

The drizzling rain starts to fall harder once I hear the car take the bend, and I hang my head in shame, sure I must’ve somehow earned this one all by myself.

The car sounds like it’s slowing but actually cruises straight past before the driver stops suddenly, skidding a little in the mud before backing up.