Wiping my damp mouth with a forefinger as if I’m dabbing away crumbs from an indulgent, messy snack I just ate (which, in reality, I just did), I take a step back, as far as I can go without bumping into the person behind me, and gaze up at Matthew shyly from under onyx eyelashes. He eyes me expectantly - somewhat tenderly, even...

The look on his face surprises me; his eyes have softened around the edges, his normally sarcastic mouth relaxed. As we drink each other in from head to toe, a blush creeps up the tendons in his neck, resting on the planes of his cheekbones. It’s then I realize we’re both seeing each other in a completely different way…

Good different. Exciting different. Special different.

They say a single word can change a life; change everything – so isn’t it ironic then that in this case it’s a single stare doing the changing?

Make you fall – and fall hard - for someone?

Then another thought occurs to me as we stand there breathing heavily from our heated, public, make-out session: what do we do now?

Where do we go from here?


There’s much to be said for travelling in large groups: after my make-out session with Cecelia, the guys pretty much save me from making a bigger ass of myself by dragging me out of Lone Ranger before I could drag Cecelia out. You know, like the uncivilized Cave-man she believes me to be.

It’s late – almost 2:00 a.m. – but I’m sober enough to send a text that isn’t going to sound like a sexually fueled booty call.

At least - I hope it won’t sound like one. I mean; what the hell do I know - didn’t I just tell you it’s two in the morning…?

Here’s hoping.

Me: You awake?

It takes a few minutes, but she finally responds.

Cecelia: Of course.

Me: Sorry I left so fast. I hope you didn’t take it personally

Cecelia: Take it personally? You were basically kidnapped by those heathen friends of yours. I’m surprised you were able get out of the head lock Kevin put you in. LOL. Impressive.

Me: Kevin is an idiot.

Cecelia: (shrug) He was just trying to help.

Me: By going all MMA on my ass? Um…. No.

Cecelia: Come on - the guys got moves. Jenna and the girls were impressed, even if you weren’t.

Me: I will admit – the look of horror on your face may have been worth having my head vice-gripped into Kevin’s stinky armpit…

Cecelia: Yeah. You’ve been impressing me since the beginning (patting mouth and yawning).

Me: You couldn’t wait to send me that first email back in September, could you?

Cecelia: Are you nuts? Molly basically forced me to send it. Besides, you didn’t even know who the email was from me.

Me: Of course I knew it was you, Goof ball.

Cecelia: Seriously???

Me: Are you kidding? No one forgets the girl who threatens to mace and kick their ass. Of course I knew it was you. I had just been messing with you. LOL. Remember when I ate your trail mix? You were so pissed.

Cecelia: Yes, I was. But in my defense you were acting like a savage. Digging through my stuff – so rude. LOL

Me: Can’t you just admit the feigned rage was just your futile attempt to resist me? You secretly WANTED me to eat your food. Why else would you have dumped it on to the couch?

Cecelia: Um, so I could have my hands free when I avenged your sister from the evil guy invading our apartment, that’s why!!!

Me: Okay, fine. But for the record I thought you were cute, even when you were trying to shove me out the door

Cecelia: Awwww. Really?

Me: HELL NO! I thought you were a raving lunatic lololol

Cecelia: blah blah blah (crosses arms, pouting)

Me: So…. I guess I’ll stop beating around the bush and just come out and say it….

Cecelia: ….?

Me: Would you like to go on a date? With me, specifically.

There is a pause in her reply, and I look at the date stamp – three minutes have passed since I sent the message. Crap.

I blew it.

Me: Um… So… What do you say?

Cecelia: I’m sorry, I might have just passed out from shock. What do I say? I say… It took you long enough to ask.

Me: Okay. So, just to clarify: is that a yes?

Cecelia: That’s a yes.



“I’d rather go freaking blind than go on a blind date…”

– Jenna

“I feel like the only thing we do these days is primp you to see my brother. I’m not sure how I feel about this whole thing, to be honest – I mean… I’m seriously questioning your judgment in men,” Molly remarks, standing behind me and watching me through the bathroom mirror, one hand holding a chunk of my long hair, the other wielding a purple ceramic curling iron.

“She can’t help who she falls in love with, Molly. Some things are just meant to be,” Abby firmly counters from the doorway, winking at me.