Our bodies, of their own accord, move closer still, pressed together but still too far apart. I curse the damn adornments glued to the bodice of this corset because I can’t feel him against me, and cringe inwardly knowing he’s probably being stabbed in the pecs by pointy beads and stabby daggers disguised as sea shells.

Epic fail: they looked so cute when I was gluing them on…

Matthew, bless his heart, doesn’t seem to notice or care. Hands reaching up, his strong capable fingers weave gently through my long hair in a caress, resting at the base of my neck. I let out a sigh because he’s finally touching me, kissing his way down my neck, nipping my shoulder with this teeth.

I feel his wet tongue on my skin.

On my collarbone.

In my cleavage.

Matthews’s strong hands grasp me around the waist, sliding them down to grab my ass cheeks, fingertips flexing over my backside, the tendons in his forearms tense as he battles his willpower, every stroke becoming unbearable for us both.

Roughly, he hauls me against his straining erection and grinds himself into the crotch of my thin hot pants - even as he licks and dips his tongue into the valley between my breasts. I tip my head back like a wonton trollop, so close… so so close to climaxing that my fingers dig into his scalp and I moan loudly into his ear.

“Oh god, Matthew. Mmmm. Ugh…”

I’m sure to the casual observer, I look like a little hussy.

Because, well - I’m acting like one.

Roger would be so ashamed.

The only slow song of the night begins. Couples morph into one around us, forming pairs to dance – some vulgarly grinding sexually, others engaging in drunken make out sessions, the rest just acting stupid.

The guy’s self-control is award winning. I mean… it takes every ounce of self-control I possess not to rip his shirt open and lick him from top to bottom.

“Cece.” Coming up for breath, Matthew’s low gravelly voice shudders. “Cece, we have to stop or I’m gonna come in my pants like a twelve year old.”

Sounds like an okay plan to me, I want to say, but nod instead. He holds me still, pulling me in so our foreheads and noses are touching, and we sway to the music. My hands begin lightly caressing his muscular back and I turn to rest my head on his broad shoulder.

I swallow. “Do you have your eyes closed too?” I ask just above a whisper, hoping he can hear me and hoping I don’t sound lame.

His nod barely perceptible.


Matthew and I continue to sway, just barely moving, at the edge of the makeshift hardwood dance floor. I sigh. Our lips had come so close to touching it was almost painful. The fact that Matthew can’t technically kiss me until he says the code word gets me even hotter.

It’s like… the best foreplay ever.

I want him to kiss me - but then again, I don’t.

My hands continue to roam, lightly sliding low on his lean hips to the curve of his backside. I let my featherweight fingertips travel briefly over his firm ass before letting them settle around his trim waist.

It is, hands down, the most romantic and erotic moment of my young life, and for a fleeting moment, I find thinking “this must be what falling in love feels like…”



“In alcohol’s defense, I’m done some pretty stupid shit while completely sober, too.”

– kushandwizdom

“Holy shit balls Cecelia. Seriously? You and Matthew looked so hot on the dance floor that Weston and I went and had sex in the woods behind the party tent.”

It’s two o’clock in the morning and we’re sitting on my bed, make-up and costumes off, both of us showered, Weston passed out in her room. I can hear him snoring loudly.

“Okay, first of all – since when do you say things like holy shit balls? And second - how can you talk about getting turned on by watching us like it’s no big deal? We aren’t some random people, you sicko - that’s your brother. Don’t you think it’s kind of weird? And perverted.”

Molly flops down on my bed and gazes at me oddly, her freshly scrubbed face appears far more innocent than it actually is. She blinks at me before responding. “Because Cece, it’s you. You’re my friend and I’m happy for you.” She gives me another strange look like I’m the crazy one here.


Well then.

“And I’m sorry, but I’ve literally never seen anything hotter than the two of you in my entire flippin life. It was like… soft core porn up close and personal.”

Soft core porn?! Oh my god, seriously?

I gape at her with my mouth hanging open.

“Anyways, I better get to sleep. I have to work in the morning.” She leans over and pulls me in for a hug, planting a kiss on the top of my head with a loud smacking sound. “Good night, Kiddo. Don’t stay up too long.”