Alone again: story of my life…

We reach the bathrooms and thank god, find them all empty.

“I’ll wait for you here,” Matthews’s low timber vibrates in the dark.

I nod and open the bright blue door to the stall, pausing momentarily before stepping in. I survey the area, checking for pee on the floor and trying to determine how much room I would have to move around in without touching the small urinal attached to the wall.

Without pride, I turn to Matthew and ask, “Do you mind if I borrow your phone? It’s hard to see in there and I don’t want to end up in the hole…”

He digs his phone out of his back pocket without hesitating and hands it over.

“Thanks.” I take a breath before stepping up into the smelly, portable bathroom. “If I don’t come out within five minutes, send in a search party.”


It takes Cecelia approximately two minutes tops to take a pee before the door to the jon flies open and she’s stepping down onto the grass in her stiletto heels. Her metallic pants shine from some nearby lanterns, which flicker in the dark, lighting a path to the toilets – and as she walks over to the makeshift hand washing station, I check out her ass as she scrubs her palms.

Unlike a lot of chicks in high heels, Cecelia doesn’t stumble all over the grass in them like a baby deer learning to walk: she’s graceful.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” she says digging into her corset top and pulling out my cell. “Thanks. It was pretty gross in there. I almost wish I couldn’t see. Ugh, I hate those Port-a-Potty’s.” Her body shutters.

“I wouldn’t know. I usually just piss in the grass.” I give myself a mental slap.

Why do I have to say shit like that?

* * *


It’s always in the back of my mind that this could be the night Matthew decides to call in the bet; use the code word and plant one on me like he keeps promising.

Actually. All he’d need to do is ask: no code word required.

We walk back to the party – back into the chaos – to hunt down our friends, who have surely gotten lost in the crowd by now. Matthew is right on my tail, so close I can feel the seams of his shirt brushing against my back – but unfortunately he hasn’t laid a hand on me yet.

Entering the tent, it’s not terribly difficult navigating to the far end, because Amber has plenty of things to see and do in many places on the property – her numerous guests have dispersed. Yes, tons of them are drinking at the bars inside the tent, dancing and whooping it up - but plenty more are sitting at tables set up around the yard with glowing pumpkin centerpieces, while others are stumbling and laughing their way through make shift graveyards or the haunted mazes...

Matthews’s breath warms the back of my neck as he leans in close. “Do you want something to drink before we try to find everyone?”

“Um…uh…” I stammer, barely able to function with his lips so close to my neck, and it isn’t long before I’m holding a cup of Pineapple Vodka and Sprite, with Matthews hand back at my waist, lightly guiding me through the crowd.

He leans in again. “Where were you all standing before?”

“This way,” I can barely nod towards one of the bars – the one with the totally ridiculous ice sculpture of Dracula.

“Okay, I’ll follow your lead.”



“Whatever. I’ll just date myself.”

– Kevin Westerman

The party is now officially in full swing, and everyone is having a great time. The DJ has been playing tons of great music: some old songs mixed in with the new – it essentially feels like a high school dance – and so far, no one in our group is sloppy drunk yet.

I’m the designated driver, so that includes me.

I’ve had one beer, which is fine. I don’t need to get drunk to have a good time… and since I’m not (not even close) it gives me a chance to study Cecelia and keep an eye on my sister at the same time - with a more acute senses.

Best to keep my wits about me when dealing with two alpha females. Especially one that is smoking hot, and a total magnet for horny slobs.

And this party is full of them.

One thing I noticed about Cecelia; she’s not drunk either. In fact, I’m pretty sure she’s still holding the same Pineapple Vodka and Sprite that I got her when we first left the bathroom – and that was over an hour ago.

Standing next to Molly (who, by the way, is dressed like a damn deer or some shit) in a cluster of girls, she’s doing what they are all doing: shaking her ass and hopping up and down to the music, Good Time by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepson.