“Ummm….” Seriously. What does a person say to that?

“Just say yes. The anticipation will be like foreplay.”

Oh dear god. “You are not getting in my pants.”

Matthew simply shrugs. “Maybe not at first.”

“Maybe not ev-er.”

He looks at me. “You don’t seriously believe that, do you? Ugh, God you’re cute.” He walks over and stands in front of me, getting so far in my personal space I can smell his minty breath. Then the bastard lifts his putter between us, lightly brushing it up against my breasts.

On purpose.

My body, of its own accord, shivers.

Dipping his head down and leaning in, Matthew’s breath is on my neck, his nose running lightly along my jaw. “Say yes to the bet, Cecelia.” I gulp and he inhales next to my ear, then gently runs his tongue along my lobe as he whispers, “Mmm, you smell fucking fantastic. Like fresh air and sexual repression.”

My eyes briefly flutter closed. He is pure evil.

“How will I know it’s about to happen?” I manage to croak out.

“Hmmmm,” He hums against my ear, the deep baritone of his vocal cords vibrating against my neck. “I guess we’ll need a code word, won’t we? When I say it, you will obediently stop whatever it is you’re doing, and pay your penalty.”

“You’re pretty cocky for someone who hasn’t even taken his last shot yet,” I say, tipping my neck back a little so I can look into his eyes. His mouth is millimeters from my mine.

“Confident, not cocky.”

“Agree to disagree,” I retort, cheekily. He’s tortured me long enough. “You sure you know what you’re getting into by entering into this agreement? One kiss on the mouth is all you’re going to get.”

He laughs. “I’m pretty sure I can handle it. And trust me, one will be enough.”

Er, not sure if I should be insulted by that…

In any case, I lean in until my breasts are firmly plastered to his chest. I wiggle around a little bit, rubbing my naturally round boobs up against the front of his thin cotton tee shirt until his pupils dilate and I can feel him harden in his jeans.

Then I go in for the kill. “Okay. If you’re sure…”

“Oh, I’m sure,” he manages to croak out in a whisper.

“Promise?” I wiggle a little bit more.

His Adam’s apple bobs and he gulps, nodding. “Yes.”

“One kiss? Then you never get to kiss me again.”


Hmmm. Not sure I like how he keeps hastily agreeing, but I brush it off, reminding myself that he’s an arrogant asshole. “Well then. In that case,” I move closer still, my mouth suspended so close to his there is just the barest whisper of air in between us. “Since you’re so sure you can handle it…” I open my mouth the smallest fraction, and, with a light flicker of my tongue tease the space directly under his mouth, slowly licking him up to the cupids bow above his upper lip. “Yes Matthew. I’ll take the bet.”

His mouth gapes opens and his nostrils flare – all the visible signs that he’s one hundred percent turned on. “You… y-you bitch.” He breathes in a stutter, grabbing at me for all he’s worth with both hands and trying to slant his mouth over mine. “Forget everything I just said. I want that kiss now.”

Little word of advice ladies: do not poke the hornets’ nest unless you plan on paying the price.

I push on his chest and quickly shove him away. “Forget it buddy,” I say, stepping away with a laugh and smacking him on the back like his buddy would. “We have a deal. One kiss – but only if you make this shot.”

He glares at me, adjusting the bulge in his jeans.

I smirk. “Better make it a good one.”



“If thought bubbles appeared over my head, I would be so screwed…”

– Someecards.com

“So… he made the shot.”

We’re sitting around our small, round kitchen table – Molly, Abby, Jenna and I – surrounded by various junk foods and a random left over veggie platter from Molly’s biology study group. I pick at a piece of broccoli, pulling it apart into tiny sections before eating one nibble at a time.

My roommate half laughs at me, and shakes her head solemnly. “Of course he made the shot - it’s like, what he does for a living, practically.”

“Well obviously I didn’t think he would,” I mumble.

“That was your first mistake. Total rookie move.” Molly digs through the Jelly Belly bowl on the table, picks through them and selects a few bubblegum flavored ones (her favorite), pops one in her mouth, and begins chewing.

Jenna chimes in. “He plays hockey. For Christ sakes, Cece, it’s his job to get his puck into a small space.” She chuckles at her own joke. “Get it. Puck into a small space?”

“Yeah, yeah, we got it. Your sex puns are sooo helpful.”