Depressing, isn’t it?

I inhale another forkful, choke a little because it almost goes down the wrong pipe, and wallow in self-pity.

Can you fucking believe Cecelia wouldn’t kiss me?

I mean, what’s up with that? Not to sound like an arrogant prick, but most chicks would give their left nut to kiss these lips.

And since I’m on the subject, and irritated, I grab my phone and send her a quick message. Miss me yet?

I grin at her snarky reply: Not even close.

Chuckling I type out: I know that’s not true. I saw the look you were giving me right before Molly opened your door. ;)

Cecelia: Have you had your eyes checked lately? That was scorn, not lust. Huge difference.

Me: Come on. I did you a favor tonight.

Cecelia: You. Are. Delusional.

Me: Nope. Just honest.

Cecelia: Ok. FINE. I’ll bite: How were you doing me a favor tonight??????????????

Me: Whoa, cool it with the question marks. The thing with Neve would never have lasted. He’s way too nice for you.

Cecelia: Oh my god. You are such a dick!

Me: LOL. It’s true. You need someone who’s gonna tell you how it is. You know, spank you on the ass every once in a while.


I stare at Matthews last text, slack jawed. Of all the boorish, ill-mannered things to say!


“That conceited asshole!” I mutter.

“What was that?” Molly asks, passing by and stopping to stick her head in my room. She has a towel wrapped around her hair, blow dryer dangling from her hand. “What are you bitching about in here?”

“Um. Nothing.”

She snorts. “Please. You can’t even look me in the eye.” Walking over, she snatches the phone out of my hand before I can yank it out of her reach. “Surprise, surprise, surprise. Look who we have here.” Her hawk-like gaze misses nothing, and her thumb moves across my phone screen, catching up on all my texts with her brother. Laughing, she hands me my phone back saying, “Spank your ass once in a while? What a pig!”

“Er, yeah…”

“Okay. So text him back ‘spanking is nice, but I’d rather be tied up.”

“What?! NO!”

“Just freaking do it! Trust me – he’ll piss himself.”

Grumbling, I type out the message with Molly looking over my shoulder. “Make sure you type all that verbatim.”

“I got it, you skank.”

“Hey now, no need to get nasty…”

Me to Matthew: Spanking is nice, but I’d rather be tied up.

I hit SEND.

Molly, unable to contain herself, throws herself on top of my bed, shrieking with laughter. “Holy shit, I cannot believe you actually did it! He is going to shit himself. He comes off as such a pervert, but he is soooo vanilla.”

“What?! Oh my god Molly, I hate you so much right now!” I spit out and launch myself on top of her, fake beating her with a throw pillow. Afterwards, we both lay there staring up at the ceiling, choking on our laughter until we’re out of breath.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my phone pings.


Holy fuck buckets.

I stare at Cecelia’s message, her words scorching my brain: Tied up. Tied up. Tied up.

Seriously. Could any two words in the English language have a more powerful impact on my dick?

Here’s my dilemma: if I respond with the first thing that comes to mind, she’s going to think I’m a complete and absolute pervert. If I ignore her comment, and change the subject… well. She might think I’m not interested in tying her up.

Which I am. One hundred percent. On second thought, better make that one hundred thousand percent – just in case there’s any mistaking my interest…

I mean, normally I’m not into kinky shit, but if she’s offering, who am I to deny her? Am I right? Right?

I reach down and grab my hardening package through my jeans as another message from her comes through, and I groan. Shit, I waited too long to reply.

Cecelia: Cat got your tongue?

Me: Um… kind of. I’m shocked at you.

Cecelia: I wish I could have seen the look on your face. LOL

Me: It was pretty damn priceless, I’m sure.

Me: Um. Just curious. Do you really like being tied up?

Cecelia: No!!! I don’t know. LOL. But since you brought up spanking, it seemed like an appropriate response.

Me: I’d slap your ass any ol’ day of the week.

Cecelia: OMG

Me: What?! It’s a great ass.

Cecelia: I’m not going there with you. I read a Cosmo article once that said sexual banter too soon is a bad idea.

Me: Hmmm. Sounds like a TERRIBLE article. Burn that magazine.

Cecelia: Actually, I think I framed that page and have it hanging on my wall…

Me: I don’t doubt that.

Me: I should hit the sack. The Lightening play tomorrow and I fly solo as coach.

Cecelia: Oh that’s right! Good luck!

Me: 9:30. Ithaca Arena. All pretty fans are encouraged to attend...



“If you bring me coffee without me having to ask, then I just might love you.”