Don’t blame me; blame my family.


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“Um… Molly, can you come in here for a second,” I yell out my bedroom door. Granted, it’s eleven thirty at night, but I can still hear her banding around in her room.

Her head appears in my door a few moments later. “What’s up?”

I hold up my phone and shake it around. “Take a look.”

She walks over, bends at the waist and reads the small screen. Her face gets red and contorts her features into what I call her ‘ugly face.’ It’s similar to her ‘ugly cry’ but minus the tears. “What the fuu…. That asshole!”

I shrug. “Hey, you said it, not me.”

“This is bullshit! I’m telling my mom.” I laugh when she storms out, and her door slams across the hallway. When she’s gone, I re-read message and lay flat on my back in the center of my bed. A bubble of laughter escapes my throat. Can you blame me? I mean really, this shit is kind of funny.

Matthew’s note, and Molly’s reaction to it: priceless.

I scan it again, committing every line to memory. I flip over on to my stomach, and tap out a reply.

TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 19, 2014 at 11:38:23 PM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: LOL

I’m sorry, but this is hilarious… Your sister is in her bedroom having a meltdown. You better brace yourself: Don’t say you haven’t been warned. - C

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TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 19, 2014 at 11:45:45 PM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: RE: LOL

You’re warning me - does this mean you care?


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TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 19, 2014 at 11:47:23 PM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: RE: RE: LOL

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo! - C

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TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 19, 2014 at 11:52:36 PM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: RE: RE: RE: LOL

How does that old saying go?

Me thinks thee protest-eth too much. It’s Shakespeare I think.


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TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 19, 2014 at 11:55:13 PM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: Well color me surprised.

Whoa, I’m impressed. That is Shakespeare, but the actual line is: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” (Maybe you should have stayed in school a little longer than six years). - C

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TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 19, 2014 at 11:58:19 PM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: Uh…..

!!!!!!!!NERD ALERT!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t even want to know how you know that. I’m going to have to assume you’re a total bookworm. And just for your information, I was only in school FIVE years. I, um, changed, um, my major a few times?


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TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 20, 2014 at 12:01:25 AM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: RUDE

Why am I not surprised you just called me a nerd? Oh! I know! Maybe it’s because you are so RUDE. I cannot believe someone as sweet as Molly is related to such a huge jackhole. - C

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TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 20, 2014 at 12:11:04 AM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: Don’t get your panties in a twist.

That is, if you’re wearing any (Scratch that. You ARE and I bet they’re great big white granny ones of the Hanes variety). Speaking of which, did you know Molly wore diapers until she was like 4? And she wet the bed practically forever. Just saying.


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TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 20, 2014 at 12:18:03 AM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: OMG

I will admit, that made me laugh. Molly would have a heart attack if, OMG… I can’t even… What a terrible brother you are. In fact, I bet I could go next door and find out a few nasty things about you…. Actually, since Weston gave you my cell phone number, I should probably get some dirt on him too. Why were you sniffing around for my phone number, anyways????? - C

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TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 20, 2014 at 12:23:27 AM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: I was drunk.

That’s the only reasonable explanation.


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TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 20, 2014 at 12:26:17 AM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: In that case…

This is where I sign off. - C

Sent from my Android Smartphone



“What are you talking about, dude? This isn’t sweat. It’s liquid-fucking-awesomeness oozing out of me.”

– Weston McGrath

“Hey dipshit, did you know you have a knack for pissing women off?” Weston asks as he skates past me, the puck gliding back and forth in front of him as he smoothly maneuvers it in-between a group of players. He glances over his shoulder and does a crossover so he’s skating backwards, shooting me a dark look from underneath his helmet that I can see even from where I’m standing in the Penalty Box.

Suddenly, Weston is charging the goalie and the whistle is being blown (and for those of you who aren’t familiar with hockey jargon, charging any player – even the goalie – is a penalty… even if the goalie is playing outside the goal crease).