TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 15, 2014 at 11:47:09 PM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: Ouch.

That hurt my feelings a little.


Sent from my iPhone



“How annoying. He is seriously starting to interfere with her being single.”

– Jenna, my roommate Molly’s best friend.

Okay. I’ll admit it. After that last email last night, I feel kind of bad. I sit up in bed and grab my phone to check the time.

8:27 on a Saturday morning…


Then, since my phone is already in my hand, I tap open the last message from Matthew Wakefield.

That hurt my feelings a little…

Trust me. I’ve dissected the reasons why I’m giving him the brush off a million times, and here are a few of the reasons I came up with:

He is Molly’s brother. There’s, like, a Girl Code about liking a friend’s brother somewhere… isn’t there?

He is an ass.

Matthew is a hockey player for a professional hockey team. So out of my league, on so many levels.

Better to reject than be rejected…. Right? I mean. Could he possibly be interested in someone like me, other than to drive me insane?

Please see #2

Despite all of these things, I do the opposite of what any self-respecting girl would do: I pick up my phone and email Matthew back – even knowing that it’s probably not necessary (him being a dickhead and all) but nonetheless he is my roommate’s brother, and I suddenly have a stab of conscience.

TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 16, 2014 at 8:32:07 AM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: This is awkward.

I’m sorry my last comment was so rude last night. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. - C

Sent from my Android Smartphone

TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 16, 2014 at 8:47:17 AM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: Apology accepted.

Hurt my feelings? I’m a guy – our feelings don’t get hurt. We get pissed.


PS: Still. Apology accepted.

Sent from my iPhone

For a while, I’ll be honest: I sit in stony silence cross legged on my bed, completely fixated on the tiny screen of my cell, not quite knowing what to do or how to respond. I open and close the email app several times, reading and rereading his words, rolling them around in my head.

Should I respond? What do I say? Is there any way possible to play it cool?

My bedroom door is ajar, and I can hear Molly shuffling around the kitchen – I crane my head and try to get a visual on her through the small crack in my door, catching a brief glimpse of her bending to dig a pan out of the cabinet, still in her pajamas. I lean back against my headboard, frustrated, and blow out a puff of air, which sends the hair in my face flying in soft wisps.

How do I get myself into these messes?

TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 16, 2014 at 9:11:22 AM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: RE: Apology accepted.

Okay. I guess I won’t feel so bad then. I was wrong to assume you even had feelings in the first place. My bad.

- C

Sent from my Android Smartphone

TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 16, 2014 at 9:15:48 AM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: Hitting on all cylinders this morning?

I’m going to ignore that AND your sarcasm. Too early in the morning and I give zero fucks about your crappy attitude.


Sent from my iPhone


Again, I sit stunned on the bed.

A few emotions wash over me all at once before I can stop or analyze them: Embarrassment. Shame. Anger.

Why are things always going from bad to worse with Matthew? One minute we’re having fun and flirting in our sick, twisted way – and the next he’s cursing and calling me sarcastic.

And not in a good way.

It’s not really a situation I know how to deal with. Typically, I get along with everyone – well, except maybe my sister growing up (but she hardly counts since she’s family). And okay – I’ll admit there was this guy once at the public library I argued with over the only copy of Othello (I needed it for a class at the time)… but in my defense: he wouldn’t leave me alone, kept following me around… pestering me for the damn thing.

Which I already pointed out: I. Needed.

So yeah. There was that guy.

Confused, I stare up at my ceiling. Just when I think maybe Matthew and I might be getting along, I say something dumb and he takes it the wrong way.

Sheesh. Is it my fault he’s so sensitive?

I was really hoping that at this point we could get along - You know, for Molly’s sake (not because I think he’s cute or something). One minute we’re bantering and the next we’re bitching at each other.

TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 16, 2014 at 9:45:03 AM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: So this is awkward…

Okay. That last email threw me for a loop. I feel like I should apologize again for being such a…Ugh. I can’t even say it. You get what I’m trying to say right? Without my having to spell it out? I think for Molly’s sake it would be great if we could get along. I’m really not as bad as you probably think I am. If it’s any consolation, you’ve seen me both times at my worst. I mean – can you say “smudged eyeliner?” - C