“Yeah she’s pretty, but then she opens her fucking mouth.”

“Matthew don’t be an ass,” Molly finally chimes in, yelling over the noise.

“Yeah asshole, don’t be an ass.” This from Cecelia. The corners of my mouth unwillingly tip up into a smile at her sass.

Call me crazy, but I kind of like it.

And even though she’s already holding a glass in her hand, Neve ignores everyone and pushes through the banter to ask her, “Cece, can I buy you a drink?”

Cecelia raises her chin a notch, cocks her eyebrow and shoves her full drink into my one empty hand, the clear liquid (and a few ice cubes) spilling onto my hand from the force. “Neve, I would love that.”

I have no choice but to take it.

Neve seizes the opportunity and takes her arm, leading her away, and shoving a path through the crowded bar, an easy task given his impressive 6’1 height and imposing stature. No one is getting in his way, I begrudgingly admit, and watch as he places his large calloused hand on the small of Cecelia’s lower back to guide her through the crowd.

My lip curls in frustration.

I only tear my eyes away when Molly’s voice cuts in. “You know what Matthew,” she starts in on me with a huff. “If you weren’t such a dick head, you might have a shot at a relationship with a nice girl like CeCe. But noooo, you –“

“- Jeez, would you shut up for a damn minute,” I demand, putting a finger up to silence her before shifting my gaze back to watching Cecelia from across the bar. Pulling the cell out of my back pocket, I unlock the screen.

Molly throws her hands up in frustration. “See, this is your whole freaking problem…” she continues ranting, but I tune her out. She’s going on-and-on about me always being on my phone, how I’m such a jerk, and blah, blah, blah, who cares.

You didn’t seriously expect me to listen, did you?

As if.

Ignoring my sister, I’m unable to resist the temptation across the bar - so, I click open my email (since I don’t have her cell number), hit COMPOSE and tap out a quick message before hitting SEND.

TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 15, 2014 at 11:27:18 PM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: Try SMILING

Just a suggestion.


Sent from my iPhone

I look back up at my little sister, who is staring at me with a curled lip.

“Okay. Now you can go back to the part in your speech about Cecelia being nice. I need a good laugh,” I say, tapping my forefinger impatiently on my cheap plastic cell phone case, holding my cell in one palm, double fisting a beer in the other.

I wait and watch.

Impatient, I feel like crushing the phone in my hand, but perk up considerably when I finally see Cecelia bend her head and pull out her own phone, and watch as she squints at the small screen in concentration, then frowning.

I turn away with a smirk and lift the beer to my mouth, hiding a laugh in the plastic cup, foam ticking my upper lip as I take a long drag.

Ahhh, victory tastes good. So cold and refreshing.

Covertly, I watch her again. Even from here I can see her nostrils flaring, and she sharply whips her head up to meet my gaze, coolly acknowledging me with narrowed eyes before lowering her head again.

Several seconds later, my phone chimes.

TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 15, 2014 at 11:30:23 PM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: You’re a dick

Get a life. - C

Sent from my Android Smartphone

TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 15, 2014 at 11:33:14 PM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: I AM a dick.

And I’ve got a big one. If you want to see it, all you have to do is smile pretty and ask nice.


Sent from my iPhone

TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 15, 2014 at 11:37:26 PM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: Seriously?

You’re disgusting. Or maybe it’s the alcohol. In any case, leave me alone. I’m in the middle of getting picked up by your hot friend. Total panty melter.

- C

Sent from my Android Smartphone

TO: Cecelia Carter

DATE: September 15, 2014 at 11:40:57 PM CST

FROM: Matthew Wakefield

Subject: MEH.

Neve isn’t man enough for you. Ask him about his dolphin figurine collection if you don’t believe me. I dare you. Besides, I’m not drunk – what would give you that idea? My sopping wet shirt full of beer? Don’t lie and say you weren’t admiring my masculine physique before when my shirt started sticking to my chest.

I saw you.


Sent from my iPhone

TO: Matthew Wakefield

DATE: September 15, 2014 at 11:45:19 PM CST

FROM: Cecelia Carter

Subject: (Rolling my eyes)

This conversation is ridiculous. I’m not going to stand here EMAILING someone from across the room that I can’t even stand talking to in person. - C

Sent from my Android Smartphone