Shit. Was I seriously just thinking that?

Thank god I didn’t say it out loud…

Cecelia follows behind, but not willingly, if the frown on her face is any indication. Man, does this chick ever smile?


I take in her plain white V-neck shirt and faded denim jeans, looking her up and down - and even though Cecelia is obviously not here to hook up with or impress anyone of the male persuasion, I can’t help but wonder why she didn’t make more of an effort.

Isn’t it, like… girl DNA to truss themselves up when they go out?

Though, to be honest, her stark white shirt is just tight enough, and just sheer enough that as she stalks over, I can make out the outline of a white bra and… an ample swell of breasts.

Which are kind of awesome.

She isn’t wearing much make-up, and her long wavy hair is a loose, tangled, sexy mess.

Molly breaks my visual of her roomie by rudely marching up and getting right in my face. Like a drill sergeant. “What do you want, you imbecile?”

“I forgot.” I resist the urge to laugh out loud when Cecelia rolls her eyes and sighs loudly, and of course my attention shifts immediately to her. “Hey Cecilia, isn’t that the exact same outfit you were wearing when you accosted me in Molly’s apartment?”

Beside me, I get a swift nudge in the ribs from my sister. Jeez, what is it with the elbowing? At this rate, I’m going to have three bruised ribs…

“That was not a gentlemanly thing to point out, Matt.” Molly says with a sneer, while Cecelia rolls her eyes (for the second time in less than sixty seconds, I might add) and crosses her arms resentfully - a move that pushes her breasts up even higher into the neckline of her tee.

I get a great shot of cleavage in the V.

Nice, very nice.

Instead of staring at Cecelia’s boobs like I’m instantly wired to do, I shrug at them both. “Merely making an observation. I calls it like I sees it.” I take a casual sip of beer and smirk.

I get another jab in the opposite rib. This elbow belongs to Neve Vanderhalt, my good buddy and recent graduate who is also a fellow coaching staffer for the Badgers. His smile spreads wide and his dark blue eyes are pinned directly on to my sister’s roommate with unconcealed interest.

Cecelia returns his interest with a perusal of her own

Damn him for being so good looking – makes me want to knock a gap in his teeth.

“Hey Wakefield, wanna introduce me to your friend?”

“Nope, not really.”

Cecelia plants her hands on her narrow hips before tossing her hair indignantly. “Hi. Just to be clear, Matthew and I are not friends. Consider us the anti-friends.” She sticks her hand out for a shake. “My name is CeCe - Molly’s older, wiser, roommate.”

Cecelia sends a flirty wink – actually fucking winks - at Neve and smiles. As their hands make contact for the handshake, her long willowy arm dissects me across the middle of my stomach just as her palm connects with Neve’s.

The contact from her elbow sets my nerves tingling, and something quivers in my nether region - even though I’m pretty sure she was trying to punch me in the gut, not turn me on.

Neve perks up at the news that Cecelia and I are not in any way involved, and gives her a megawatt grin full of perfectly white teeth. He is all dark, brooding, and suave: everything that I’m not.

Neve clears his throat and says, “At the risk of sounding corny, do you come here often?”

“That doesn’t sound corny, it sounds idiotic.” I complain and cross my arms, hoping it draws attention to my biceps. I glance down at them and flex a few times for good measure.

Cecelia doesn’t notice.

“Well, you would certainly know idiotic,” she briefly glances at me, countering with a raised eyebrow and pursing her glossy lips before glancing away.

I ‘pfft’ indignantly. “Oh, real classy.”

Now she’s got her eyes narrowed and is poking me in the chest with her fingernail. “Excuse me? I’m wayyy classier than those ‘groupies’ (she puts her fingers up and does air quotes when she says this) you have hanging over you all the time, waiting for your sloppy seconds. It’s disgusting. No. Thank. You.”

“Those ‘groupies’ (great, now I’m using air quotes) as you call them, are called Puck Bunnies - and following me around is a respectable hobby. They boost my morale. Maybe you could learn a thing or two if you acted more like them. Like how to take a guy deep –“

Neve interrupts before I can finish my sentence. “That is enough Wakefield. Christ, what is wrong with you, man? Could you shut up for five minutes so I can talk to the pretty lady.”