“Are you OK, Summer?” he asked. “You seem stressed. You do realize that we don’t have any more wedding planning to do, right?”
I laughed.
“And I do have something else for you,” he said. “I was going to wait until our honeymoon to tell you this, but… shit, why not?”
“What is it?” My stomach did flips and gymnastic landings. He couldn’t already know, surely?
“So, remember that drama school you desperately wanted to go to?” he asked.
“I’ve paid your tuition there,” he said. “The minute you want to go follow your dreams, you’ll have the opportunity.”
“Yeah,” he said, laughing. “Yeah. And I’ve bought us a house right across from it. So you can study, walk back and forth, and see Jessie whenever you want.”
I nearly collapsed. “Are you kidding?”
“Not even a little bit. I told you, Summer, I’m going to look after you. I’m going to provide for you whatever you need. Whatever you want. Anything for you and Jess.”
For what had to be the twentieth time today, I burst into tears. “Oh my god.”
He brushed the tears away and kissed me gently. “Happy wedding day,” he said. “Now, I’m going to have to spend the next year thinking of a gift to top this one.”
“Oh my god. No, you’ve done enough.” The tears wouldn’t stop coming, and that was because my emotions had been all over the place for the last week or so.
“Are these happy tears?” he asked, as we took up our dance again.
“They are,” I replied. “But I have some news for you too.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“I’m not going to be able to attend that school for a while,” I said.
“What? Why?”
“Because, Matt. I’m pregnant.”
He stopped in the middle of the dance floor, his face splitting into a massive smile. “Are you serious?”
“Yes,” I said. “Yes, I am.”
Matt let out a fantastic whoop and lifted me by the waist. He hugged me and spun me around in a circle. “That’s amazing. Amazing news.”
“Are you sure? I wasn’t sure you’d be happy about having another one.” Jessie was the light of our lives, but god knew she hadn’t been the easiest baby. We’d spent late night after late night getting her to sleep and getting precious little rest of our own.
“This is the best news possible. The best gift we could give ourselves.” He kissed me again. “A bigger family. Fuck yes.”
“Fudge yes,” I said.
“Right. Fudge yes.”
Jessie had started picking up on words, and knowing our luck, she’d pick up all the bad ones instantly if we weren’t careful.
“I’m so glad you’re happy,” I said, kissing him on the cheek, his stubble brushing against my lips.
Matthew held me and rocked from side to side. “I’m so glad I have you in my life,” he replied.
“For now and forever.”
Matthew, the man I had never thought I would have, the man I had always wanted and loved, met my gaze and held it. “For now and forever,” he repeated.
Truer words had never been spoken.