“Oh god,” she said, gasping for breath. “Oh god. Oh god. That was so good.”

“Fuck, yes.” I drew out of her. “Shit.” I helped her off the sofa, and we both burst out laughing. “Fucking hell, Summer, I just can’t resist you, baby.”

“Good. I don’t want you to.” Summer grabbed hold of my shirt again, and we kissed.

“Let’s get cleaned up,” I said. “I don’t want to get caught with my pants down.” I nodded to my swinging cock.

After we’d cleaned up, and made sure that everything was in the right place and we hadn’t made a mess anywhere in the living room, we sat down again, to wait. I slung my arm around her shoulders, and she rested her head against my chest.

“I love you, Matt,” she said softly, stroking her hand over my thigh. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” And that was all that mattered, wasn’t it?

A half hour later, the doorbell rang, and I let my sister into the building. She came upstairs with Scott at her side, her eyes shimmering with happiness at having a family dinner.

“I’m starved,” she said, drawing me into a hug. “How are you doing?”

“Great. Actually, better than great.” I shook Scott’s hand. “Come into the living room and find out why.”

I led them through to the living room where Summer waited with the chilled non-alcohol champagne. “Hi,” she said, smiling at Emilia. “Nice to see you, Em.”

“What are you doing here?’ she asked.

“You wanted me to speak to her,” I said, grinning, “and I did.” I walked around to Summer’s side and slipped my arm around her waist. “Come have a seat, sis, Scott.”

Scott sat down and took one of the champagne glasses. Emilia stood dead still, staring. “Yeah, but I meant to talk to her about…”

“He knows,” Summer said. “You can say it. I’m pregnant, Scott, in case Emmy didn’t tell you. And yes, Matt knows, Em. You can talk about it.”

“I just wanted him to come by and talk to you. You know, do the right thing.”

“Sure,” I said. “And I did. And I am doing the right thing. I’m doing what makes me happy. What makes both of us happy.”

“Seriously,” Emmy said. “You two are going to… do this?”

“Yes. We’re dating,” Summer replied. “Happily dating. I don’t want to lose you as a friend, Em, but the fact of the matter is, I love him. I love him, and he loves me.”


“Yes, really,” I said, backing up Summer. “And if you can’t accept that, well, shit, then you’re going to lose both of us.”

Emilia came around the side of the sofa and sat down heavily. “I don’t know what to say. I’ve tried to encourage you two to stay away from each other, but, god, I don’t… I just. Are you two serious?”

“Incredibly serious,” I said.

And this was it. My moment.

I turned toward Summer and took her hands. “Look at me, gorgeous.”

She faced me, frowning a little. “What is it, Matt?”

I dropped to one knee in front of her and reached into my pocket. I drew out the velvet-covered ring box, the one I’d been keeping in my drawer for the last week, and held it out to her.

“Summer, I know we said we would take things slow, and if this is too fast for you, I’ll understand. But I want you to know that you’re the most important person in my life. My hope, my heart, my life. Nothing can come between us. I love you so, so, so much, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, raising our baby together.”

Summer broke down, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. “Are you serious?”

“Y’all have got to stop asking that question,” I said, laughing as I opened the ring box to reveal a princess cut diamond in a platinum band. “You are my forever and always. And I don’t ever want to let you go.”

Emilia made a noise in her throat, but I didn’t look over at her.

“Summer, will you marry me?” I asked.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Oh my god, yes. A million times over.”

I slipped the ring onto her finger, and she got on her knees in front of me and threw her arms around my neck. We hugged and kissed, her crying and me laughing softly, kissing the tears from her cheeks, holding her gently.

Afterward, we rose, and Emilia did too. “You guys really are serious,” she said, choking the words out.

“Uh, yeah, I think it’s safe to say that.” I held Summer to my side. I’d never let her go.

“What do you say, Em? Do you want to be my maid of honor?” Summer asked.

“Yes,” my sister said. “Yes. Absolutely one hundred percent yes.” She threw her arms around us both and we hugged it out.

The future was bright. I had my Summer and a baby on the way. Everything I needed and I’d never known I wanted. Our forever.