“Yeah.” I turned toward him.

Scott ran his fingers through his curly hair. He wore his wedding suit, a red flower pinned to his lapel, but with his bow tie undone. “Can you help me here?”

“Of course.” I walked over and set to work helping him out. I’d done enough of these damn things in my life that it was second nature to me. It came with the territory—billionaires were expected at charity events and special get-togethers where they’d all stroke each other’s egos and act like they were doing the world a favor.

“Are you OK?” Scott asked.

“Of course.”

“Emilia told me about what happened with Summer.”

“Oh.” I readjusted the bow tie and ensured it was perfectly lined up. “Today isn’t about me, dude. This is your wedding.”

“I know,” Scott said, giving me a grin. “I’m bringing it up because I know it’s been bothering Em. I’m worried she’s not going to enjoy today like she should because she’s got her mind on Summer and on you.”


“Yeah. So, as my best man, could you do me a solid and go talk to her about it?” Scott asked.

“I did try talking to her about it, man. She didn’t want to hear what I had to say.”

“Try again.” He patted me on the shoulder. “For me. On my wedding day.”

“You drive a hard bargain.” I laughed. “All right, sure. But are you sure you don’t need anything else here?”

“I’m good. I’ll head down later. I need a minute to clear my head,” Scott said, clapping his hands together.

“Good luck, man. I’ll see you down there.” I paused at the door. “Scott, man, I want you to know that there’s no other man I’d have wanted to marry my little sister. She’s lucky to have you.”

“I’m lucky to have her. She’s amazing.”

I smiled at him before slipping out into the hall. I headed down to my sister’s floor, reached her room, and took a breath. I knocked once.

“Come in.”

I entered. I stalled just inside the door.

My sister was surrounded by bridesmaids at the end of the room. She stood in front of a standing mirror, her makeup done, her hair piled atop her head, and the necklace I’d given her resting against her throat. Her white dress sparkled.

Emotion choked me.

God, if only our mother could’ve been here to see this. Emilia looked so much like Mom right now. Beautiful and angelic, but the joy that should have glowed from her face was muted somehow.

One of the bridesmaids, Chastity, spun toward me wearing a rose-gold dress that she’d clearly had modified to accentuate her breasts. She swaggered toward me. “Hello there, handsome.”

I ignored her and cleared my throat.

Emilia looked up and caught my eye in the mirror. She shook her head then sighed. “Everyone, clear the room. I need to talk to my brother. Apparently.”

The bridesmaids fussed for a few more minutes then filed out of the room and toward the door. Chastity lingered next to me, smiling like a loon.

“Leave,” I said, forcing stiffness into my tone.

She huffed and hurried out before I could say anything else. Thank god. That woman was an industrial grade irritant.

The door clicked shut.

A quiet followed.

Emilia turned toward me, spreading her arms. “What do you think?”

“Mom would be proud,” I said. “You look so much like her.”

“That’s what Dad said. And don’t make me cry.” She pointed at me and then at her lashes, coated in mascara. “I need to look perfect today.”

“You already do.”

“I won’t with mascara running down my cheeks.”

“That’s debatable.”

“Are you trying to sweet talk me, brother? Because it’s not going to work. I’m still pissed at you for what happened. God, I’m still pissed at me.” she said.

“Pissed at yourself?”

Emmy nodded. “I don’t approve of what happened with you and Summer, but God, it’s even worse that Pamela was even at my wedding. I let her fool me.”

“Sis, she’s not a problem anymore. Pamela’s going away for a long-ass time for what she did. And she’s a con-woman. Those type of people specialize in fooling those around them.”

“Still…” Emmy trailed off, shaking her head.

“Be as angry at me as you want, but Summer didn’t—”

“Don’t.” She put up a hand. “Don’t. You’ve already gotten involved once. I don’t need you interfering now. I can’t kick you out of the wedding. I can’t, though I should. God knows, I should.”

“Then why didn’t you?” I asked.

“Because you’re my brother. I couldn’t not have my brother at my wedding.”

“But you’re OK with Summer not being here?” I asked. “You’ve probably spent more time with her than you have with me over the past couple years. You know how busy I’ve been.”

“Do not start with me.”

“I’m not starting anything,” I said. “Fuck, I’m only here because of how you’ve been acting.”

“Excuse me?” My sister did a classic don’t-fuck-with-me head bobble. “I’m not the one who slept with my best friend. Even though I knew it would mess everything up.”