That didn’t make any damn sense.

My phone pinged on the coffee table, and I walked back to it.

“You’re good. Cruz hasn’t left Florida.”

Strangely, the text didn’t give me any comfort. I didn’t buy it, and I’d learned to trust my instinct over the last twelve years.

Chapter Eighteen


I dressed in chinos and a button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled back, following the strict instructions Emilia had sent to every one of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. The wedding party event wasn’t due to start for more than two hours, but I was ready to go.

There was a reason for that.

I walked to my bedside table, opened the bottom cupboard, and keyed in the combination for the mini-safe. I removed the velvet jewelry box from within and smoothed my fingers over it. This was a big day. I’d been waiting for it for years.

I wasn’t the nervous type. I was protective. I wanted what was best for the people around me, but nervous? Never. I took what I wanted. I strived to be the best at what I did. Nerves didn’t factor into that.

But this was bigger than anything I’d done before.

I grabbed my phone off the coffee table on my way out the room and sent off the text. “Coming to see you in your room in five. Make sure you’re alone.”

The reply came through, quizzical. “OK? What’s this about?”

“You’ll see.”

I tucked my phone into my pocket, did the same with the jewelry box, and then headed downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee from the restaurant bar. I slammed it back, fast, before heading back to the elevator and up to her floor.

I walked down the hall, stopped in front of her door, and inhaled.

You’ve got this, dumbass. It’s going to be OK. She’ll be happy.

I knocked once.

Footsteps approached the door.


It cracked open, and Emilia smiled at me. She wore a fluffy robe and a towel around her hair. My sister was radiant, ready to be married, and the happiest I’d ever seen her. My heart swelled, and those nerves redoubled. I would do anything to ensure that happiness wasn’t compromised.

Apart from refraining from fucking her best friend, apparently.

I shoved that thought aside and smiled at her. “Hey, sis.”

“He, bro.” She punched me on the arm. “I see you got the dress-code memo. You want to come in or…?”

“Yeah, I want to come in.” She stepped back. I entered her room and she shut the door. The floor-to-ceiling windows looked out on a view of the white sand beaches with their gorgeous turquoise waters.

“You OK?” Emilia asked. “No offense, but you’re acting kind of shifty.”


“No, shifty,” she said and laughed. “Seriously, what’s wrong?”

If only you knew. But no, that wasn’t why I was here. I didn’t plan on absolving any guilt. Emilia didn’t need to know about Summer. The tryst, affair, whatever it was called, would be over soon enough, and then there’d be nothing more to hide. What Emmy didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

After what we’d been through as kids, she was big on family. She counted Summer as family.

“Uh, Matthew?”

“Yeah, right. I just wanted to talk to you before the party. It’s important.”

“Like, FindMe app important? Because I told you, I’ve already installed it on all my devices, and I am not in the mood for another security lecture today, bro. This is supposed to be a good day.”

“No, it’s not about that.”

“Then what’s it about?”

I took a breath. “Take a seat, Em.”

“You’re inviting me to take a seat in my room.” She laughed, clearly too happy to be fazed by it. She walked over to the chaise lounge next to the window and sat down. “Now, what’s this about? You’re starting to freak me out.”

“You’re sitting down,” I said.

“Yeah?” Emilia laughed. “Seriously, what’s up?”

“I wanted to talk to you about the wedding and Scott.”

“Oh. Oh, OK, but this had better not be one of those weird big brother talks where you tell me he’s not good enough for me or something. Because it’s a little too late for that.”

“No, of course not. I like Scott. He cares about you, that much is obvious.”

“Exactly.” The smile glimmered on her lips again and lit up her entire face. She loved this guy. I couldn’t fathom opening myself up like that to someone. That made Emilia braver than me in many respects.

“Yeah, that’s not what this is about,” I said. “I wanted to congratulate you on your wedding.” I sat down across from her, bringing the armchair forward so we were in line with each other. “You know, I’ve been busy with my own shit, so I didn’t get a chance to say this the right way.”

“Whoa, are you about to get all emotional on me?”

“Easy,” I said. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.” I laughed. “I just wanted you to know that you’re the best little sister a brother could ask for, and that I want nothing more than for you to be happy and have a long, full life with Scott.”