Looking at him didn’t just give me the wet-panties issue but butterflies in my stomach. And I needed to…god, I didn’t know, shout at him for the past. I’d figured bringing it up would be a great reminder for both of us.

He’d remember why he’d left, and I would remember how dangerous he was for me. And how much it had hurt to turn away the first time.

Twelve years ago, girl. Get over it.

Rationally, that was true. I had to get over it. Why dwell on some forbidden end-of-high-school fling? No reason to.

“What’s, like, going on?” Chastity asked, stopping near the front of the crowd of groomsmen and bridesmaids. “She’s a cripple. How’s she going to teach us to dance?”

“Morally reprehensible as always,” I said, flashing a smile. “I’m not a ‘cripple.’ I hurt my ankle. It will be fine soon, but I’m resting it for now.”

“Well, forget me if I’m wrong, but don’t you use your feet for dancing?”

“It’s ‘forgive me,’” I said. “Forgive me if I’m wrong.”

“Well, you’re not forgiven.” Chastity flipped her hair. “Because this is a total waste of time. We could be drinking.”

The doors to the hotel ballroom opened, and Emmy, Scott, and Matt entered.

My heart squeezed.

Emmy and Scott were wrapped up in each other, talking quietly, him booping her on the nose softly. But my gaze wasn’t drawn to that show of affection. It was the tall swagger of Matt that attracted me. His dark eyes were set, and he was fixed on me like a homing missile.

Here we go.

This couldn’t happen. I didn’t need him pitying me and helping me teach a class because of it. Direction was just as good as demonstration. This would be fine.

Matt stopped next to me and placed his hand on the back of my chair. “Everybody ready?”

“What’s going on?” Emmy asked, coming forward. “Summer, I came down here to tell you that you don’t have to do this. I’ll still, you know…pay you.”

“Pay her?” Chastity squawked. “You’re paying her for this?”

I squeezed my eyes shut. Nightmare. Wake me up. Humiliation.

“Chastity,” Emmy said, “I was talking to Summer, not to you.”

“Like, whatever.” Chastity turned her back, showing off her ass in a pair of booty shorts that were more booty than anything else. “It’s just gross that the maid of honor is squeezing money out of the bride. What kind of vulture does something like that?”

“Chastity,” Emilia hissed.

“Leave it,” I said. “Everyone, I’m going to direct you on dancing technique today. Unfortunately, I’m injured, so I won’t able to help you by walking among you and correcting your form.”

“I’ll be helping Summer today,” Matt put in.

“Oh, that’s great!” Emmy said. “That’s awesome.” Matt and I pretending to get along was clearly working. Of course I’d never been able to tell her why I’d hated him as much as I had. Whenever he came up, she’d assumed I just didn’t dig his vibe or that he’d annoyed the crap out of me when I’d lived with their family.

“Everyone partner up,” Matt said.

“I need a partner.” Chastity sauntered over. “I’m having, like, trouble with my form or whatever. Could you two show me what I’m doing wrong?” Her cat-shaped eyes lit up. She shot me a quick and vicious grin.

“I’ll be walking through the crowd, Chastity,” Matt said. “You already have a partner.” He nodded to the groomsman who stood nearby, waiting impatiently.

“Yeah, but there’s just this one particular move that’s tricky for me,” Chastity said.

“It’s a waltz,” I put in. “There are hardly any moves.” Was it bad that I didn’t want her near Matt? Probably. It made me weak.

“Still, I really think some help would be good,” she said, plastering up a fake white-toothed smile. “Say, Matt, you were partners with Summer. You, like, know your stuff, right?”

Matthew glanced at me, and my stomach flipped. How pathetic was I that I didn’t want him to go anywhere near her? Pretty damn pathetic. “Sure,” I said, “he knows what to do. That’s why he’s helping me, after all.” I lifted my chin. “All right, everyone. I can’t walk around in here today, but I’m still going to instruct, and Matt’s going to help, as well. Everyone OK with that?”

Everyone nodded and murmurs of assent sounded around the room.

“Great. OK. Let’s get started.” I switched on the music. “Partner up, everyone.”

Chastity inserted herself into Matt’s arms, pressing her breasts against him then casting a look my way. “I’m partnered up.”

The groomsman who had formerly been her partner stood off to one side, appearing sheepish.

“Don’t worry,” I called over to him. “It’s just until she gets the hang of the steps.”

“Or maybe I’ll just keep him,” Chastity hissed, walking her fingers up Matt’s shirt toward his neck.

Matt caught her hand and moved it aside. “Strengthen your frame,” he said gruffly, just as I’d done to him in the last lesson.