“I’m not a man to mess with,” Nick says, another swat landing on my upturned ass. “Have you already forgotten our contract?”

That has me stilling in shock. Pressing against his legs to arch my body up, I say, “Fine! I fucking get it. Follow your rules. I hear you loud and clear.”

His chuckle has every cell in my body on alert, but it’s his, “Yes, and a punishment with your name on it will make damn sure you remember to follow what you hear loud and clear,” that has my ass clenching so hard and my hands going back to try to cover what I know to be his target.

Nick lifts me into the boat, following me closely behind. We’re both wet, and the energy between us is sizzling so much that I can barely breathe. He’s angry, but he’s also in control. In fact, I wonder if Nick Hudson ever loses control. Even when he was about to cut a man’s fingers off, he seemed in control of every emotion he possessed.

He tosses me a life vest. “Put it on.”

I swallow back an angry retort and manage to keep my cool. “I know how to swim.”


“I don’t need a life vest.”

His tone doesn’t change, but the storm in his eyes seems to reach hurricane strength. “I’m not asking, Lyriope, I’m telling you. Believe me, you don’t want to make me repeat myself.” Leaning over in the seat, he fastens the vest around me. “Stay seated.” He then sits in the driver’s seat and starts up the engine.

I do as he orders because it’s not like I have much of a choice. The leather seats are cold from the unusually cool spring air, and the fact that the ocean water clings to my clothing and is icy cold no matter what time of the year.

The rumble from the boat feels like pure masculinity, causing desire and arousal to build inside of me, which also infuriates me for allowing my emotions to be so easily persuaded. I glance at Nick’s chiseled profile in the luminosity of the starry sky. His look, his scent, his entire dominant presence is downright erotic.

What the hell is going on? He very well could be the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, but this man is infuriating, bossy, and kidnapping me… or rescuing me… or… I have no clue.

We ride in silence as the boat cuts through the water as we head back toward the dock the boat was once parked at. In a normal situation, I would have enjoyed the boat ride, but currently all I can feel is apprehension of what comes next.

When we arrive at the lighted dock, he hops out and ties the boat off. His security guards are walking our way as he signals for them to stop. “I have this handled. Just man the house.”

Both men pause, look at me, and then quickly follow their boss’s command. I’m sure the fuckers were hoping to get a glimpse of me naked.

Nick hops back into the boat when he has the boat secured and removes the life vest off of me that I forgot I have been wearing.

I focus on his hands as he picks up his cane that was resting on the floor. I try to fight back the sexual pictures invading my mind of what he’s capable of doing with those hands.

“Are you always this way?” he asks.

“What way?”

“Stubborn, foolish, and ridiculously careless?” Nick’s jaw tightens, and his expression darkens even more. I knew you’d try to escape, but I didn’t think you’d do it on night one.”

“I wasn’t trying to escape. I needed air. I needed to regain some sense of control when my life is anything but. I feel like I’ve entered a land that is bigger than me, more powerful than me, and it’s threatening to swallow me up.”

I know I should be angry at Nick for taking away my choice and dictating my new life, but despite my situation, I only feel aroused. His caveman act of throwing me over his shoulder and spanking my ass seems to have unleashed a hidden desire for more. I can’t stop imagining his hands on my body.

“Lyriope, the Sidorovs sent someone to kidnap you and maybe even kill you. Do you understand that? Do you understand that you don’t have the luxury to just go for a midnight stroll along the beach? Not until I can at least see why there is once again a hit on your head.”

He turns to face me, staring directly into my eyes. I take a steadying breath and decide to face him head on, refusing to break his glare. He sits down next to me on the leather seat, invading my personal space until he’s inches from my face. He sits so close I can feel the heat from his body, the intensity from his stare making my stomach flutter. We are having our own staring contest, and I am not about to let him win. Not this time.