I open the door to my bedroom and lead her to my four-poster bed, dropping Dakota in the middle of it.

“Straight to the point, huh?” She blinks up at me, always using that damned mouth to tease even when it’s not on me.

“I plan to make you squirm,” I promise.

“Um, I think you’ve already done that...”

I try like hell not to grin because she hasn’t seen anything yet.

I take my shirt off slowly, my dick pulsing, fully intent on teasing her back.

She stares at me longingly, her mouth slightly parted in raw curiosity.

As I slide the shirt off, she crawls to the edge of the bed, sits up on her knees, and runs her hand down my chest.

I close my eyes and sigh.

“So gorgeous,” she whispers.

“Not half as great as yours, and it’d be a shame if it was.”

She laughs. “But you haven’t seen mine yet!”

Yeah, that’s a problem I plan to rectify soon.

“We can fix that. Come the hell here,” I order, tugging her up and reaching behind her. I unzip her sundress halfway and work the straps down her arms.

My eyes are glued to hers until the dress slips down. It falls under her chest, revealing a lacy peach bra that looks like it was custom designed for sin.

That’s saying a lot from a man who’s been more involved in women’s fashion than ninety-nine percent of the male population will ever be.

She crosses her arms in front of her chest like she wants to hide, fresh uncertainty on her face.

“I always thought you’d wear black. Interesting choice,” I tell her.

“Yeah, I...I don’t have a body like yours. Or the models you’ve probably dated.”

“Fuck models and fuck that. I wouldn’t dare have you ruined. You’re perfect the way you are,” I say, sincerity vibrating my voice.

“Umm—I just mean I don’t think I have a body like the kind of woman you’re usually with.” She looks down like she’s searching her own imperfections.

“And yet I’ve never wanted another woman like I want you.” The wild truth of that burns my throat.

She casts a slow glance at me like she’s trying to figure out if I’m being honest or just putting her on.

Enough talk.

Enough games with words.

I just smile, take her hand, and hold it to my mouth, kissing her palm slowly, furiously, madly.

By the end of this night, I swear to everything holy that Dakota Poe will know what she does to me.

She’ll finally understand just how deliciously remarkable she is.


Uncertain Rustling (Dakota)

I think I’m on fire.

Lincoln takes my hands in his, peels them away from my sides, and drops to his knees beside the bed, kissing the edge of my lace bra.

He traces down the curve, brushing his tongue against the hard peak of my nipple.

I’m flipping electric.

Falling back, I wrap one arm around his neck, pulling him closer.

His hands join his mouth on my breast, sucking and teasing, detonating me in slow motion. The only thing between us is the peach lingerie now.

My eyes close and my head drops low.

No man should ever make me feel this good.

“Oh. Oh, Lincoln,” I whine, mouthing those words more than speaking them.

My legs are already jelly.

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll even keep my balance, but I just know I need more. I’m drenched in pleasure, edging on breathless, and he’s barely begun.

It feels divine but it’s still not enough.

Reaching behind my back, I grab my bra clasp, helping free my offering for this devil’s tongue.

His hands move to my arms, grabbing my wrists. He stills them before moving them aside, pulling his face off my breast.

“I promised to make tonight last, sweetheart,” he rumbles, his eyes restless with dark-brown desire.

“But I kinda need this now,” I whisper, brushing my breasts against him.

“Not yet,” he clips. And then I understand—his tongue goes to work against my other breast, sucking and rubbing and lashing me to bliss.


I’m clenching his head, my nails digging at his scalp, needing to hold on before Lincoln freaking Burns sweeps me away with a fever. He finally reaches behind me and hurls my bra away. It hits the wall somewhere on the other side of the room.

I’m down on the bed again, falling under him, and he’s still tasting me. Still licking. Still scorching nerve endings I never knew I had.

It was never like this before.

Never, ever this intense when I’ve barely gotten started.

I’m so in the zone, soaked and buzzing.

It’s heaven on Earth. It’s also like being yanked out of a perfectly warm bath when he suddenly lifts away.

I glare up at him.

You weren’t supposed to stop.

But he returns with a feral smile, kissing down my belly and only stopping when he comes to the waistband of my panties.

“P-p-please. Take them off,” I sputter.

“Not yet,” he warns again with a slow laugh.

I want to punch him.