I can’t leave it like this, even if I can’t even fathom how to fix it.

I sit in a chair beside Wyatt’s bed, glaring at my phone every five minutes.

“Has your girl called yet?”

I roll my eyes. He knows damn well she hasn’t.

“Quit acting like a lovesick fool and up your game,” he tells me.

“I’ve sent texts. She won’t answer.”

He jerks forward with a snort so hard it makes him cough.

“Burns, I’m beginning to get how a pretty rich boy manages to stay single.”

“I have no idea what you mean.”

He barks laughter. “Like hell! You denied her in front of your people, and then you kicked her while she was down. Sending a text is—”

“A cop-out,” I cut in.

He nods, a hard smile on his face like he’s amazed it’s getting through to me.

“What would you do then, love doctor?”

“Only you can figure that out.” He slumps back, waving a hand.

Before he can sling more crap at me, an alert for the gate chimes on my phone. I pull up the camera view.

Whoever it is stands in the shadows, a slow night rain pelting them. I’m not expecting anyone, so it must be important, or a huge scam.

“Someone’s here. I’ll be right back.” I get up and hit the microphone icon to speak to them. “Burns residence. Who’s there?”

“Uh, Meadow. From the park?”

Oh. I unlock the gate remotely and dart outside, waving her toward the house.

A minute later, Meadow stands on my porch shyly, not saying anything.

“Come on in and dry off,” I tell her, ushering her inside. “What brings you here?”

Timidly, she looks up at me and lets out a deep breath.

“...I heard Wyatt might be staying here. He always mentioned you bothering him to move in and it took forever to find your place, but...I had to try. I had a little help. Sorry for any intrusion.”

“It’s fine. He’s in my guesthouse. You want to follow me over?”

She nods. “Thank you.”

“Who helped you find my place?” I ask.

“Oh, uh. I can’t say.”

I chuckle. “Can I ask why?”

She holds up a hand like she’s apologizing and says, “Well, I don’t think it’s true, but she says you’re a giant douchenozzle. And if I mention her name, she’ll never tell me anything ever again.” She laughs lightly. “Hard to argue with that, right?”

I know who Meadow means.


I nod. “Did you see her at the park?”

“No, that coffee shop up the block. Sweeter Grind. Sometimes they donate their used grounds for compost.” She squeezes her eyes shut and hangs her head. “You won’t say anything, will you?”

“I’m no rat.”

She follows me to the guesthouse, where I open the door for her. I hear Wyatt stirring before we’re even down the hall to his room.

“Well, hell. I guess it’s not your damn girl, is it? I couldn’t be that lucky, could I?” Wyatt calls loudly through the cracked door.

Meadow grins, covering a giggle with her hand.

I put a finger to my lips to shush her.

“Keep giving me hell, Emory, and you’ll regret it,” I say, poking my head in the room.

“Burns, I’ve regretted plenty in my life. None of it was ever giving you shit.”

“He sounds better!” Meadow whispers.

She has no clue.

“What’s taking so long? I need my meds. I damn near broke a rib hacking up a lung and it hurts all the way down to my ass crack.”

“Wyatt! I’m going to suggest you shut up. You’ve got company. Are you decent?”

He goes dead silent.

As soon as he calls “Yeah,” I lead Meadow into his room.

“Who—oh. Miss Green Thumb.”

It’s brutally hard not to laugh when the big bad badass blushes. His face reddens under his beard, a stark contrast against his body’s lingering paleness.

And he’s not alone. Meadow’s cheeks are redder than cherries as she snickers.

He glares at me. “You couldn’t have warned me she was here?”

I cross my arms in front of my chest. “And miss you making a fool out of yourself? Nah, that’s payback.”

“Whatever, dude.” He turns to Meadow. “You weren’t at the hospital,” he says softly.

“I—” She looks down. “They only let family in the room. Lincoln said he was your brother—”

“She rode in the ambulance with you,” I add.

“Eh, I don’t like hospitals anyway. I couldn’t stay too long. But are you okay?” She’s so shy, this small thing approaching this rude hulk occupying my guest bed.

“I’m fine, lady.” His tone is soothing.

He’s stuck in a bed, but he’s comforting her.

She leans down and hugs him. His arms close around her. I can’t help staring.


After everything Olivia put him through, if Wyatt can find the strength to mend his black lump of a heart under that broken body, what the hell is my excuse?

I don’t have one.

I turn to exit and give them some privacy.

“You’re not gonna stay and hang out with us?” Wyatt asks.

“You guys should catch up. I just realized I have something to take care of.” I need to get Dakota’s attention.