She casts a longing look and sighs.

“Linc, I know what you’re trying to do and I appreciate it, but it’s not necessary. I know what I agreed to. I won’t mess up the shoot.”

She smiles up so bravely, my bright girl with the sun in her hair and determination set in her face.

“What if I just want to see you again on my boat?” My body tenses.

“At least you’re honest. Usually when a man ‘just’ wants to see you again, there’s some flimsy excuse.”

I narrow my eyes.

“You criticizing my game, Nevermore?”

“More like calling it out.”

Brat. I see the smile she’s trying to hold back.

“Well, fuck, I want to see you again regardless. It’s a nice day on the water, but I do think it’s a good idea to prep for the photo shoot. I’ll pick you up in a few?”

“Sure,” she finally says, glancing around.

It’s always a skeleton crew in the office on the weekends and everyone on the floor already went home. Even if they haven’t, my mind says fuck it.

I lean down, cradle her face, and pull her lips to mine.

She moans real sweet for me as I drink her deep, my tongue hinting at exactly what I intend to do.

Later, we’re on the open water, cruising the Puget Sound while Seattle’s evening lights are just beginning to twinkle in the distance.

“Jesus. When you said boat, I thought it’d be some James Bond speedboat. Not a hotel with a hull,” she says, whistling quietly into the wind as we stand on the top deck.

“Got it. I knew you were obsessed with size, Nevermore. Ever heard the phrase that it’s not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean? Thankfully, I’m blessed with both.”

“Idiot!” She whacks me playfully in the arm, laughing.

“Has work been awkward since we committed to the wedding hoax?” I ask, shifting to a serious tone.

She shakes her head, her hair whipping around delightfully. “The only people making dumb jokes about it are Cheryl and Anna, and I’m pretty used to that.”

“Why are they giving you shit?”

“Well, Anna’s convinced we have chemistry—the real kind—and Cheryl agrees. She’s a huge sucker for romance movies.”

“No wonder she’s best friends with my mother,” I groan, raking back my hair.

Dakota’s green eyes catch mine a second later.

“And what do you think, Nevermore? Does their teasing ruffle your feathers?”

She blushes, but her face is tense. “Chemistry is a loaded word. I think I’d call it energy potential.”

“Energy potential?” I snort. “You sound like a physics teacher.”

She bites her bottom lip, oblivious to how it makes my dick lurch in my pants.

“Well, we definitely have potential for—umm, inspiration, as you put it before—but I kinda thought it was a one-off. You said you didn’t want it to be, and that’s why we agreed to this whole wedding farce, besides the marketing benefit. But this is the first time we’ve really talked outside work since it happened...”

“Yeah. I’ll admit I can be an idiot sometimes,” I say slowly.

Laughter sputters out of her. “No argument there!”

“Careful, hellion. Are we cool, though?” I stare at her, needing her to say yes.

“...I don’t know, Lincoln. You tell me.”

“I hope so. If I’ve upset you, let’s lay it out, here and now.”

“No. We’re good,” she says softly, her eyes searching mine.

“I want to believe you, but you are a Poe. I can’t dismiss the possibility that you’re planning to murder me in my sleep and bury my heart under the neighbor girl’s floorboards. You’re just waiting for one more round of the best dick of your life,” I say with a slow smile.

Her grin stretches from one red ear to the next.

“I won’t murder you—even if your attitude might deserve the death penalty. I still need you to sign my paycheck.”

I laugh. “Glad you have one good reason to keep me around.”

The distance between us closes and we’re standing toe to toe. She props her hand on her hip.

“Thanks for reminding me I’ve been signing stuff for you a lot lately. I could probably forge your signature.”

“All this fluff and you still won’t mention the real reason you like having me around, huh?” I lean closer, audibly inhaling her scent.

I feel her weight shift. She leans up on her toes, flushed scarlet as she gives in, brushing her lips to mine.

Here we go.

Growling, I pull her in, mashing her perfect tits to my chest. One hand skims down the small of her back, stopping to toy with the upper curve of her ass.

“Do you want to see the wedding line or do you just want to fuck? They sent several dresses in your size,” I rasp against her ear, adding a nip of my teeth. “I’d love to see you in them before they’re on the floor. But if you’d rather skip to the best part, I’ll hardly complain.”