Why had she never considered him before, she wondered.

“What exactly are you looking for, angel. And FYI, I’m not sure you’re my type.”

This was a lie, of course. He absolutely was her type. He would hate fucking her, and getting him to compromise his principles would be a very good time. And then there’d be the orgasms.

Well, what do you know. The night was looking up.

I think you and I need to have a little discussion about property lines and boundaries.

Devina frowned. “I beg your pardon.”

You heard me. I want you out of Balthazar. You’re trespassing and you know it.

Oh, she thought. That.

“It’s more of a time-share, really.” She smiled and wondered what it would feel like to have him on top of her. “And my sex life is none of your business, is it.”

I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. Get out of Balthazar.

“Nope. Sorry.” She shrugged and then ran her fingertips from her collarbone to her sternum, lingering on the bustier’s contouring of her cleavage. “And not to go five-year-old on this, but you can’t make me. I’m also pretty sure the Creator is going to have an opinion about you getting overly involved. Isn’t that a thing? I think it is, what with your new promotion and all.”

This is just between you and me. You’ve got a million other people in this city to play with. You can have another.

“I don’t want another.” She leaned forward toward the male. “And you’re not very bright, angel. I want him even more now that you have an opinion about my little infestation.”

All at once, the air between them changed, the charge of heat so intense, it came at her in a warping, nuclear rush that pushed her back against a concrete support and held her in place. As she fought to get free, she didn’t really want the liberation. The power wielded on her made her nipples tighten and her thighs loosen.

“I didn’t know you had it in you,” she moaned as she arched into the pain, knowing that the bustier wasn’t going to be able to keep things decent given how full her breasts were in the cups.

Lassiter stalked up to her, his iridescent wings unfurling fully over those strong shoulders, his body a thing of both beauty and vengeance. In the wind coming off the river, his blond-and-black hair pulled back off his face, and the gold chains around his neck, his wrists, and his waist gleamed like they were alive.

“Careful… angel.” She smiled even as she began to pant from the suffocation. “You started… this about boundaries. Now you’re… treading on mine.”

Get out of Balthazar, Lassiter snarled without moving his luscious lips. Leave the male alone.

Devina shifted her eyes over to the crime scene, where humans both uniformed and plainclothed milled around doing their duty for one of their dead, totally oblivious to the fact that no more than two hundred yards away, a pair of elementals were in a dogfight over the soul of a vampire.

The demon started to laugh, although the sound was ugly because she couldn’t breathe.

“I… will… tell…” She hauled in some air and met Lassiter’s strange, odd-color eyes with her own. “… the Creator.”

After a glare session that would have melted paint off a wall—assuming the angel’s temper didn’t blow the whole house down—the ace in her pocket worked. The heat and the pressure were sucked back in a retraction, and then he dropped the psychic connection bullshit.

His voice had more depth than when it had been willed into her head. “Go to Him. Tell Him everything. You entered Balthazar’s soul without permission when he was in the transition between life and death. You’re in the wrong. You stepped over the line and you’re going to have to explain yourself if you bring me to His attention.”

Devina swept her hands up from her waist and tugged the bustier into place, her breasts aching in their whalebone cage. “How do you know I wasn’t invited by Balthazar?”

“Because he wants you the fuck out of him.”

“Lovers’ spat, and yet you’re treating it like domestic violence.”

“Get out of him.”

With an arched brow, Devina smoothed her hair and then once again ran her fingertips over her cleavage. As she imagined the angel’s mouth on her breasts, his tongue licking at her nipples, she was aware of a stinging need inside of her.

“You want me to leave that vampire alone?” She straightened off the pylon and took three steps forward, closing the distance between their bodies. “That’s what you want?”

God, the angel smelled incredible. Like fresh air and sunshine, even though the two of them were standing in the middle of a debris field of filth and human waste and river mud.

When she went to put her hand on his chest, he slapped a hold on her wrist. “Yes, demon. That’s what I want.”