Cree shut his eyes a moment and groaned, “You feel so good.”

Dawn rested her hands on his shoulders as she settled all the way down on him.

He clinched his hands firm on her backside. “I will help you ride me, and you will tell me if it becomes too much for you.”

She smiled and nodded, then began rising and lowering herself on him, his strong hands helping her. Their passion had grown from the many delays in the last few days, and she knew neither of them would last long.

She gripped his shoulders as her passion spiraled and his groans increased rapidly. This would be a short joining but a powerful one and that was what she and her husband needed at the moment.

“Dawn!” he said in a growling mumble.

She nodded, letting him know she was close as well.

He increased their rhythm, his hands squeezing her backside, urging her up and down on him faster and faster.

She gripped his shoulders tighter, any minute now and she would drop over the edge and into pure pleasure. The pain hit hard and fast in her leg twisting her muscle viciously. She clamped her eyes tight and tried to wiggle her leg to release the painful grip on her muscle. It only worsened it.

Her husband’s head dropped back as he released a lingering moan, and she ached to join him, but the severe pain took complete control and devoured her passion. She scrunched her face hard against the twisting pain.

“Dawn? What’s wrong?” Cree asked anxiously seeing the agony on her face. Had he hurt her? Or was it… “Is it the bairn?”

Dawn managed to shake her head and tap her leg.

Cree eased her off him and when her cringe grew worse, it felt like a stab to his heart. He went to scoop her up in his arms and she pushed him away, forcing herself to walk and hopefully force the twisted muscle to ease.

She pointed to her leg again and Cree stopped her from taking another step to have a look. He cringed himself when he saw her calf muscle twisted hard. With a quick grab at her waist, he lifted her and forced her down on the bed to sit. He tossed her garment up over her knee and got busy kneading the painfully bunched muscle.

Dawn’s eyes teared and she could not keep the pain from her face, grimacing with every powerful knead of her husband’s strong fingers.

Guilt poked at Cree since he knew his wife well enough to know she had waited to alert him to the pain so that she did not disturb his pleasure. While his pleasure had been tenfold, it was no more knowing she had suffered while he had enjoyed.

Dawn dropped her head back, her husband’s powerful fingers giving the taut muscle no choice but to ease and relief began to take hold.

“You should have told me,” he scolded lightly.

She looked at him, grinned, then mouthed, you busy.

“Very funny,” he said, though grinned as well. “No more riding me,” —he thought a moment— “At least until the bairn is born.”

She raised a skeptical brow.

“I mean it, Dawn. I will not see you suffer when you should feel nothing but pleasure.” His brow wrinkled. “Did this pain stop you from complete pleasure?”

A knock sounded at the door interrupting her response.

“I am sorry to disturb, my lord,” a servant called out, “but a visitor is here that Chieftain Newlin would like you to meet, and he will not be staying long.”

“I will be right there,” Cree said, his voice full of authority.

“I will relay your response, my lord,” the servant said.

“Can you stand?” Cree asked after getting to his feet.

She nodded, and her husband assisted her to her feet. She stumbled a bit taking her first step, but Cree held her firm.

“You should rest a bit before walking,” he suggested.

She shook her head and scrunched her face as she repeatedly crunched her hand into a loose fist.

“Aye, you are right, rest might bring it back. Walking will keep the muscle loose.”

She tapped her chest and pointed to him.

“You intend to go with me?” He laughed. “Of course, you do because you are curious about the visitor.”

She nodded as she straightened her garments and clapped her hands to get a sleeping Beast’s attention.

Cree watched the large dog stretch himself to his feet. “I am relieved that dog has learned to sleep through our lovemaking, though he spends more nights in the twins’ bedchamber than ours.”

Dawn patted Beast’s head when he came to stand beside her.

Cree took gentle hold of his wife’s chin. “Later I will see you finish—”

Dawn rushed a finger to her husband’s lips and shook her head.

“Maybe you’re right,” he said, easing her to the door with a hand at her back. “I should say nothing since every time I do speak my intentions or make a promise… it never works out, at least while here.”