Hana nodded with a smile.

Cree helped his wife up off the bench and stepped toward the cell, the lass returning to Dawn. “My wife and now Hana believes there is good in you. With Lord Varrick you have a chance to prove it and survive. If they are right, you have nothing to fear. If you have fooled all, then even the devil himself will not help you against Lord Varrick.”

Hana ran at Cree and punched him in the leg. “Do not say that. Fia is good!”

Cree looked down at the little lass, dirt marred her pretty face and her long black hair lay in knots around her head. He scooped her up so fast that she gasped.

“Please, my lord, Hana meant no harm,” Fia pleaded.

Dawn remained as she was, knowing her husband well. He would never harm a child, especially one so similar in courage to their daughter.

“There is a lass at my home as courageous as you, though she sweet talks me instead of hitting me. I believe you will get along well with her,” Cree said.

“She knows things?” Hana asked curious.

“Cree laughed. “She thinks she knows everything.”

“Lizbeth. Her name is Lizbeth,” Hana said, smiling. “We will be very good friends.”

Cree was stunned that she knew his daughter’s name. He was even more stunned when Hana kissed his cheek.

“From Lizbeth. She misses you very much,” Hana said.

“Twelve days! Twelve days and we finally leave for home,” Cree said with joy and a wide smile and came up behind his wife’s back to wrap his arms around her and hug her. “I am so relieved you feel up to traveling. I do not want to spend another day here. And Dermid feels the same way. He insisted he was well enough to return home with us.” He turned her around. “The men offered to build a carrier for him since they knew at least two of them would be left behind to watch over him. Dermid insisted he did not need it. He would ride his horse. The men are overjoyed with his courage since they are all eager to return home.”

Dawn smiled and had been smiling since yesterday when all went well settling the last of things and giving them a chance to leave for home today. She could tell how overjoyed her husband was with how much he talked.

Cree kissed her. “When we get home, we will see the twins, settle Trent and Hana, share the news about our journey at supper, and then retire early, and then…” His wicked grin said the rest.

Dawn teasingly slipped her hand beneath his plaid and stroked him before he could stop her or perhaps he had not wanted to.

“Bloody hell, Dawn, you tease me like that, and I’ll be hard all the way home.”

She frowned and shook her head and continued stroking him.

“Dawn!” he warned though with little conviction.

She smiled and gave him a light push toward the bed, after all it would take them a few days to reach home and her own passion was stirring.

“Bloody hell,” he mumbled, and scooped her up and carried her to the bed.

They entered the Great Hall a little late for the morning meal. There was an air of excitement mixed with sadness and what was felt most… anticipation.

“It has been such a pleasure having you here, Lady Dawn,” Tavia said after Cree assisted his wife to sit beside the woman.

Dawn smiled and patted her chest to let her know she felt the same.

Flora offered her own pleasure at meeting Dawn. “It truly has been amazing to have come to know you, Lady Dawn. I have met many courageous women, but none come close to being as courageous as you.”

Dawn held her hand to her chest and gave a slight nod acknowledging her thanks.

“Are you sure you do not want to stay for Torin and Flora’s wedding and to meet Lord Bhric and Lord Varrick?” Newlin asked, though it sounded more like a plea.

Cree realized that Newlin was apprehensive about meeting both men, but he could not help him with that. He needed to face each man on his own. As far as the wedding, he did not want to be around if something should go awry.

“Dawn and I have been gone long enough from home. We miss the twins, family and friends. It is time for us to take our leave. Besides, all is settled here. My help is no longer needed.”

“Lord Cree is right, Da,” Tavia said. “When the children learned they would not be staying here but traveling a distance to other clans, they were overjoyed. I am also thrilled that Hertha and Hume will be going with me to my new home along with three of the children. And Bronwyn was relieved to learn she would be going with Flora and three of the children. Ruth insisted she would go wherever the last two young lasses were sent, the two having grown attached to Ruth. She did not blink an eye when she found she would be going to the legendary warrior’s clan. Ewert requested to go with Ruth, they both having grown close while with the children.”