“Aye,” Trent said with a nod. “When I heard that Lady Tavia had wed Lord Bhric, I hoped it would be him who would help us. But then I found out about your arrival, and I knew if anyone could help us it would be the mighty Lord Cree.”

“The reason you made a scene in front of my wife, to see if she would defend a hungry lad,” Cree said, the pieces all falling into place.

Trent nodded again. “I saw the concern in her eyes especially when I mentioned I had a sister. I knew she would help Hana without question.”

“Which would bring me to you.”

“Aye,” Trent said.

Cree could not help but admire the lad’s daring courage. “You took quite a chance.”

“I had no other choice if I was to keep all of us free, and you will keep us free, won’t you, Lord Cree?” he asked doubtful.

Cree took no offense that he should once again question his word, understanding the lad had met few men, if any, he could truly trust.

“I always keep my word,” Cree assured him.

Trent nodded, doubt still lingering in his eyes. “Lord Ivan is an evil man, sir, a terrible evil man. “Hana saw him do a horrible thing to a man for stopping him from hitting her so she could tell him what he demanded to know. She froze, she was so frightened. If it had not been for the courage of that woman you captured, and think is a demon, I fear what Hana’s fate might have been. She scooped Hana up and ran much faster than Hana could have ever run, saving her. I also watched Lord Ivan beat one of his servants senseless.” Trent shook his head. “The man has no mind left, but Lord Ivan leaves him for others to see their fate if they do not obey him. The evil chieftain Newlin searches for is Lord Ivan.”

“We need to get back to the keep,” Torin said, having heard Trent. “And make certain Ivan does not force anything on Newlin.”

“Go and take your men with you,” Cree urged. “You returned with enough of my warriors to help get this lot to the keep.”

“I am grateful,” Torin said.

“As am I for your help,” Cree replied.

Torin called out to his men and in no time they were gone.

“It is time to take our leave, Trent,” Cree said and as the two turned a piercing scream ripped through the cold, snowy air.

“That’s Hana,” Trent said and injured leg or not the lad took off running as best he could.

Cree rushed past him, his heart hammering in his chest knowing his wife was with the lass and would protect her, and so would Beast. But the little lass’s scream could mean only one thing… Dawn was in danger.

He heard Beast’s snarling and barking and followed the sound passing people running in the same direction. Fury raged in him when he saw the only mercenary his warriors hadn’t found holding a knife, the blade pointed at Dawn’s rounded stomach, as Beast continued to snarl and snap at him.

“She ruined everything, and she’ll pay,” Riley screamed, his eyes wild with rage.

Cree had to make a quick decision. Did he take a chance and charge the man and chance he would not be quick enough to stop the blade from tearing into his wife and unborn bairn or did he try to talk with the man and get him to surrender?

He knew he had only one choice… Cree charged at the man.


Cree ran with speed like never before, his eyes on the knife as the man raised it with glee, ready to plunge it deep into Dawn. He was only a short distance away. He would make it. He had to. A little more, just a little more… he launched himself at Dawn, his powerful arms going around her tight as he shielded her with his body, the force sending them to the ground, and he stiffened waiting for the knife to pierce his back.

It never came.

He turned his head, not getting off her, not taking a chance the insane man waited to strike. He stared in shock at seeing Byford holding Riley up by his neck, the knife protruding from his shoulder and gagging for breath. His leg was bleeding as well, Beast had also left his mark on him and was now standing guard over Hana.

“I hurt bad people. I do not like hurting nice people,” Byford said. “I did not mean to hurt Lady Dawn.”

“I believe you, Byford, and you have redeemed yourself by capturing that bad man,” Cree said and called out to his warriors to secure the mercenary.

He quickly moved off Dawn, his hand going to rest gently on her stomach. “Are you and the bairn all right?” He grew anxious, his heart hammering again when he realized she appeared dazed. He worried he’d hit the ground too hard with her. What if he caused her to lose their bairn? He’d never forgive himself.