“You can leave, Lord Cree, I will see to this worthless lot, though Newlin will be held accountable for his people helping them,” Lord Ivan called out as if he commanded it so.

“How much do you want for them?” Cree demanded, his voice strong enough to carry across the stream without shouting.

“What do you mean?” Ivan shouted, confused.

“You say they are a worthless lot. If so, they will not serve you well. How much do you want for them?” Cree repeated with a strength to his voice that left no doubt he would have an answer.

Ivan grinned and called out as if he had been victorious. “Marriage to Flora and they are yours.”

“THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!” Torin yelled as he came around the boulder, his men rushing past him and taking a stance with Cree’s men.

“Lord Torin is right,” Cree said.

Ivan’s face darkened with a scowl. “Then move aside and I will take what is mine.”

“That is not going to happen either,” Cree said with a commanding calm that sent a shiver through most.


“Until this is settled, the children and those who helped them remain at Clan Strathearn,” Cree said.

“You tempt a battle, Lord Cree?” Ivan warned.

“If you choose to battle, Lord Ivan, then know you will be battling Lord Varrick as well,” Argus said, walking out of the woods from behind Lord Ivan. “And also know Lord Varrick’s warriors surround yours.”

Lord Ivan paled. “I have no fight with Lord Varrick.”

“Then do as Lord Cree says and leave this to be settled sensibly,” Argus warned.

“I go to see Newlin now,” Ivan said, anger flushing his cheeks red.

“I and Lord Varrick’s warriors will escort you,” Argus said and mounted his horse.

“Our thanks,” Cree called out to Argus.

Argus nodded. “I will see you, Lord Cree, and Lord Torin back at the keep.”

“Trent and I stay with you?” Hana asked, finally releasing the tight hold she had on Dawn’s leg.

Dawn nodded, her mind already set on taking Hana and Trent home with her and Cree.

Cree returned to his wife’s side and addressed all those gathered. “Collect your things. All of you will be going to Clan Strathearn.”

“To eventually be returned to Lord Ivan?” Trent asked, the others staring as questionably at Cree as Trent did.

Cree’s powerful voice spread out over all of them. “You have my word… you will not be returned to Lord Ivan.”

While the people cheered, Torin whispered to Cree, “That is quite a promise for you to make.”

“I never make a promise ah cannae keep,” Cree said.

“So, I have heard, one of the reasons Lord Bhric admires you,” Torin said. “Now we best hurry these people home before the snow falls heavily once again.”

Hana smiled up at Dawn. “I need to get Evie. Will you please come with me?”

Dawn returned her smile and nodded.

“Beast, go with them,” Cree ordered, though he would have preferred to keep his wife close. But he could tell by the way Dawn looked at the lass that she had already decided to give her and her brother as well, a home with them. He had thought the same, not trusting Ivan not to harm the pair once he and Dawn left for home. “Be watchful, Dawn,” he said as she went to walk away, and she turned a lovely smile on him as she nodded. It told him all he needed to know. She was happy and that made him happy.

Cree looked to Trent. “I will have a word with you.”

“Aye, my lord,” Trent said as if resigned to his fate and went to walk toward Cree.

“Stay where you are,” Cree said and went to the lad to his surprise. “Tell me how Lord Ivan has come to lay claim on all of you.” He kept a watchful eye as the lad talked, his men along with Torin and his warriors busy helping to get everyone ready to travel.

“We all come from the same area far north. The liege lord in charge of the area gathered the children, who he deemed worthless and had no parents, and sold us to a band of mercenaries who had already collected children from other villages. We were divided and our group was sold to Lord Ivan.”

“You managed to stay with your sister?” Cree asked.

“Hana is not my sister. She is the youngest of the lot and I protected her, so she stays close to me.” Trent’s chin went up. “And I will continue to protect her.”

“Then you are truly a brother to her,” Cree said. “How did you manage to all get away from Lord Ivan?”

“It took planning and courage and most of all a good snowstorm.”

“You lead them,” Cree said, seeing how the others appeared to look up to him.

“I do my best, but it is not enough.”

“You looked for someone more powerful than Lord Ivan,” Cree said, thinking he would have done the same himself if he were in Trent’s position.