Dawn took hold of Hana’s wrist and shook her head. Dawn patted her chest, tapped Hana’s shoulder and held up two fingers snug together.

“If they find you, they will hurt you and Lord Cree will be angry with me,” Hana said, her lower lip trembling.

Dawn shook her head, but evidently Cree’s infamous reputation was well-known and nothing she said would ease the wee lass’s fear. There was only one thing she could do and that was to get them both back at least near to the keep. Beast would have found Cree by now and he would be on his way. She pointed back toward where they had been.

“You want to go back to the keep?” Hana asked.

Dawn nodded, though gestured for them to wait and Hana understood.

After enough time had passed for the men to be a distance away, Hana and Dawn emerged slowly from between the boulders. The snow had continued to fall heavily, offering some cover. Seeing no one about, the two hurried off.

“See I was right. I told you I knew they were there,” Ogden boasted when he jumped in front of Dawn and Hana.’

“You finally did something right,” Liam said, appearing at Ogden’s side.

“We got them and that’s what matters,” Riley said from behind.

Hana clung tightly to Dawn’s side, her thin body trembling badly.

Riley came around to stand in front of them. “You’re going to take me to where the others are hiding.”

Hana shook her head.

Riley reached for her, and Dawn slapped his hand away. Fury had his nostrils flaring and his hands tightening into fists. “Take me to your friends, Hana, or Lady Dawn will suffer.”

His hand was so quick, Dawn did not see it coming and her head snapped to the side from the solid slap he delivered to her cheek.

“I will take you there! I will take you there!” Hana cried out.

Dawn’s eyes raged with fury, but she smiled at Riley.

“I’m not afraid of Lord Cree,” Riley yelled.

Then you’re a fool, Dawn thought, but the man would learn that himself.

“Move,” Riley ordered.

Dawn kept tight hold of Hana’s hand as she led the way and she prayed that Cree was not far behind.

As soon as Cree heard the bark, he knew something was wrong. The large dog pounded to a stop in front of him, barking and turning his head for Cree to follow.

With a shout, Cree’s warriors followed behind him, Henry keeping pace with him and Torin and Kinnell following as well having been talking with Cree when the dog was heard.

When Beast turned toward the kitchen, Cree’s heart slammed against his chest. His wife had tried one more time to see if the lass would show herself again and it had not turned out well. At least Dermid was with her and would guard her with his life.

That was until he spotted Dermid staggering out of the woods, an arrow in his shoulder. He ran to the man and grabbed him before he collapsed.

“All went black after I ordered Lady Dawn to flee,” Dermid said. “I woke alone and Lady Dawn and Hana, the wee lass, were gone. I saw no one. I do not know how many there are. I did my best to leave a good path for Henry to follow. I am sorry, my lord, I failed you.”

“Nay, you did well. Between the path you left and Beast, we will find them,” Cree said and ordered one of his men to get Dermid to the healer. He went to Henry. “I do not know if this snow will hamper Beast’s ability to track Dawn. Tell me the path can be found in this snow, so we have a place to start.”

Henry nodded and pointed to the ground. “Dermid made sure his blood dripped on the snow. The path will be easy to follow.” He pointed ahead at Beast. “He knows where to go and is impatient for us to follow.”

“Hold on, Dawn,” Cree whispered to himself as he rushed behind Beast. “I’ll be there soon.”

“I am telling you she takes us in circles,” Ogden complained for the third time.

“It’s the falling snow, it confuses, Liam said, following behind the lass.

Riley stopped them and shocked everyone when he landed another vicious slap to Dawn’s face. Then he leaned down and snarled at Hana. “Next time I’ll knock some of her teeth out.”

Dawn reeled from the blow, fighting to steady herself to stay on her feet. She tasted blood in her mouth and realized the inside of her lips had caught on a tooth and tore it. The blood filled her mouth, and she turned her head and spit it out. Cree was definitely not going to be happy about this.

“Get us there now!” Riley snapped.

Dawn realized right from the start that the lass was leading them back toward the keep but in a roundabout way. She was a smart little lass, no doubt hoping Lord Cree would find them before any of them discovered what she was doing.