Lord Torin stepped forward then, his anger evident in his taut stance. “A question I was just about to ask.”

Ivan’s face grew red with rage. “How dare you both question my honor. And you, Lord Torin, do you fear embarrassment for your puny marriage offer that you will not even wait one day?”

Such a challenge, if not accepted, would cause tongues to wag and make Lord Torin appear weak. Cree understood he had no choice but to accept it.

“Have your say today, Lord Ivan, for tomorrow I wed Flora,” Torin said. “And be aware, that I will keep her well-protected until then.”

“I am confident my offer will be accepted,” Ivan said, expanding his chest in a show of strength. “Flora will be my wife by tomorrow evening.” He turned to Newlin. “I will speak with you alone.”

“I warn you, Lord Ivan,” Torin said before the man took a step, “threaten Newlin and you threaten Lord Bhric. And believe me when I tell you that you do not wish to do that. His Northmen warriors never take prisoners.”

Ivan glared at Torin but offered no response, his anger showing in his powerful strides as he hastily left the room behind Newlin.

Torin turned to Flora. “You are to remain in the keep until we wed tomorrow and I or one of my warriors will be with you at all times.”

Flora would argue but it was pointless and foolish. She did not want to risk a forced marriage to Lord Ivan, and so she responded as only a dutiful wife would, “As you say, my lord.”

Dawn and Tavia drifted away from Flora when Torin made his way over to her.

Torin reached for her hand and was pleased she showed no objection. Her hand was soft and warm and her fingers slim and long, and there was strength to them as they curled around his hand. He never gave thought to holding a woman’s hand, nor had he done so often, yet he found he quite enjoyed the feel of Flora’s hand in his.

“You need not worry. I will let nothing happen to you,” Torin said.

There was one thing her da had repeated often to her and that was to watch and listen when people talked that they revealed much if you paid attention. He had warned to not let your eyes or thoughts wander elsewhere, but to remain focused on the person and their words.

At that moment, she truly saw what her da had meant. From Torin’s commanding stance, his shoulders drawn back, his chest expanded, spoke loudly of his conviction to keep her safe and make her his wife. His eyes did as well, a firm resolve in them that would not be altered. She would be his wife; he would have it no other way.

Again and again, she was faced with having no choice, no say in her future, and so she responded as expected, though truthfully as well. “Of that I have no doubt, my lord.”

Flora’s pleasing responses made Torin feel all the more confident that he had chosen a good woman to be his wife. He would be glad when they wed tomorrow, and she officially became his wife. It would be done and there would be no changing it.

“Think well on it,” Lord Ivan said, his voice reaching the Great Hall before he did. “It is a generous offer and one you would be foolish to turn down.”

Flora gripped Torin’s hand without realizing it and took a step closer to him.

“You are not wed yet, release her hand!” Ivan demanded, sending Torin a stinging glare.

Flora had enough of being dictated to by men. Her fear vanished replaced by stubborn courage and she did something that even shocked herself. She let go of Torin’s hand, grabbed his face in her two hands and kissed him soundly on the lips.

She shocked everyone silent and even more so when she stepped away from Torin and looked directly at Ivan. She kept her voice just above a harsh whisper. “I choose who I want for a husband, and it is not you, Lord Ivan… I choose Torin. And though we will wait until tomorrow as you asked, I will have my way nonetheless!” She turned and walked out of the room, her head held high.

Torin grinned. “Bloody hell did I choose a good woman for my wife.”

Lord Ivan’s anger had him sputtering and spitting as he tried to speak.

Cree grinned at Flora’s show of strength and also at how Torin failed to see how Flora had just given him a taste of her true nature. He caught the same grin on his wife’s face and knew their thoughts were identical.

“I should rescind my offer, Newlin, but unlike Lord Torin who is completely besotted with your niece, I know how to handle such a willful woman and keep her in her place. My offer stands and I expect it to be accepted,” Lord Ivan said as if the arrangement had been finalized.