Auda’s eyes held sadness. “He is gone.”


Auda hurried to correct her mistake. “Nay. Nay, my lord. Byford has taken his leave of the village, fearful of your punishment.”

“And he waits until I leave to return,” Cree said more to himself than Auda.

“Aye, as Chieftain Newlin ordered him to.” Auda took a step back, away from the anger that twisted Cree’s handsome features.

“Send a message to your brother, and do not tell me you do not know where he is. Tell him to return here or I will send my warriors to find him, and he will suffer a torture far worse than any he has inflicted on others.” He walked out of the cottage, not angry at the healer, but that Newlin had seen to protecting the man who had harmed Dawn.

Thoughts of his wife had him returning to the keep. He would confront Newlin on what he had done, but not until later, after the marriage ceremony was done. And after he had calmed himself because if he confronted Newlin now there was a very good chance he would strangle him.

He opened the door quietly to the bedchamber and Beast was quick to go to the door.

“Take Beast outside for a bit,” Cree ordered Dermid and both man and animal hurried off.

Cree tossed his cloak on a chest as he walked over to the bed. His wife lay sleeping and he wished she would wake. He needed to take her in his arms and feel her safe and protected there.

As if she heard his words, her eyes suddenly opened, and he stared down at her lovely face. She was everything to him. Without her life made no sense, held no meaning, no hope, no pleasure.

Dawn was familiar with the look her husband wore, the way the spot between his eyes pinched in worried wrinkles, the tight set of his mouth. Something troubled him and she knew what it was. He was worried about her and the pain she had suffered, which was of her own doing. He would not want to hear it, but she would do it again. Fia did not deserve such punishment, but ignorant fools would never understand that. And she would not let her husband suffer with worry for something she had done and did not regret doing.

She smiled softly, tossed the blanket off her, and stretched her arms out to him.

Her invitation was clear not only in her actions but in the passion he watched spark in her eyes. As much as he wanted to join her in bed, slip into her and get lost in their love, it would be selfish of him to do so when she was to rest and heal.

“You need to rest,” he reluctantly reminded.

She smiled and stretched, arching her back without a wince, then she gripped the loose shift she wore and began to pull it up.

“Dawn,” he warned but not with much strength.

When she got it stuck around her head, he knew what she was up to, and he slipped his arm beneath her shoulders to yank the garment off her.

Dawn stretched her arms out to him again and this time spread her legs. What little control he had had, he lost. He yanked his garments off in haste and lowered himself to hover over her.

He needed her to hear it or perhaps he needed to say it. “I love you, Dawn—always.”

Dawn smiled and pressed her hand to his chest and mouth—forever.

They were soon lost in their lovemaking and the intense love they had for each other.


Cree and Dawn were dressed and ready to leave the bedchamber when Beast came charging up the stairs, Dermid trying to match the large dog’s speed.

“Problem in the Great Hall,” Dermid said breathless.

Cree did not bother to order his wife to stay behind. He knew she would not listen, and he preferred her with him anyway.

Loud voices and shouts were heard before Cree and Dawn entered the Great Hall, Beast keeping close to Dawn, and Dermid as well.

“I will offer you a better marriage arrangement for your niece, Newlin,” Ivan said, his anger flushing his face red. “Since the marriage documents have yet to be signed, I demand that you at least hear my offer and give it consideration.”

“I made my decision, Lord Ivan,” Newlin said. “The ceremony takes place shortly.”

“You owe me, Newlin. I was there to help you when no one else even offered you help,” Ivan continued to argue. “Hear my offer, consider it for a day, and if you still feel the same way, I will bother you no more.”

Dawn went to stand by Flora, her arm gripped tight with Tavia’s, as her husband stepped forward into the fray.

“And will you give your word not to abduct Flora and force a situation on her that will demand a marriage with her?” Cree asked, his intense scowl making it difficult for Ivan to hide his unease.