“I appreciate the help, my lady, but I can see to this. Besides, you are with child and need to be cautious,” Tavia said.


Dawn did not have to turn to know it was her husband who issued the harsh order that did not at all disturb her, though it did send a shudder through Tavia.

Cree was in front of his wife before she had a chance to turn her head. “You should be resting.”

Dawn placed a gentle hand to her husband’s chest and sent a quick glance to the ill woman before returning it to him.

“I can see she needs help,” Cree said and to everyone’s surprise, except Dawn’s, he scooped the ill woman up in his arms. “Newlin, show me where to take her and, Lady Tavia, show my wife to our quarters for our stay.”

Newlin did not hesitate to lead the way, Cree following behind him.

“We will wait a few moments to give them time to climb the stairs,” Tavia said and after Dawn acknowledged her with a nod, she offered an explanation for the incident. “Flora is my cousin, the daughter of my father’s brother. She recently lost both parents and with no place to go, my father took her in. She has been with us about two months now, though only fell ill about a week ago. Our healer, Auda, orders rest and a brew, but it is difficult to keep Flora in bed.

Dawn saw how Tavia’s glance kept going to the doorway. She was obviously concerned for her cousin and eager to care for her. Dawn purposely made a show of yawning, so Tavia would show her to her quarters, then be free to go to Flora. She was pleased that it worked.

“Let me get you to your bedchamber so you may rest,” Tavia said with eagerness.

Beast went straight to the sleeping pallet that had been prepared for him near the hearth and curled up on it as soon as he followed into the room behind Dawn.

Tavia did not hesitate to leave when Dawn waved her off after another pretend yawn.

Dawn yawned again, though this time it was not a pretend one. The journey had exhausted her, not that she would admit it, for she would surely suffer a lecture from her husband over it. A nap would serve her and the bairn well, but first she wanted to know what, if anything, her husband had learned.

“How did I know you would not be as wise as Beast and take a much-needed nap?”

Dawn turned with a smile and walked over to be wrapped in her husband’s most welcomed, outstretched arms. Her whole body sighed against him when his arms closed snugly around her. It was where she loved to be the most. His arms never failed to provide comfort, peace, and love.

“You waited on your nap to see if I learned anything, didn’t you?” Cree asked, feeling selfish that he was glad she did, since he had ached to hold her, to feel her melt eagerly against him, to feel her arms circle his waist and hold him snug. It made any and all concerns of the day fade away, leaving them both embraced in their love.

Dawn nodded and laid her head on his muscled chest.

“I will tell you once I have you tucked in bed,” he said.

Dawn glanced up and grinned wickedly at him.

“I am not joining you, for you will get no sleep if I do,” he warned with a grin.

She sighed heavily to show her disappointment.

“Later,” he said and kissed her gently before walking with her to the bed.

He hurried her boots off her feet and tucked her beneath the soft wool blankets to sit on the bed beside her and ignored, the best he could, the passion stirring in him for his wife.

“The snow is falling more heavily which makes tracking difficult. Nonetheless, Henry is seeing what tracks he may be able to find. He is the best tracker I have ever had, but even so, snow can be a major deterrent.”

Dawn nodded, agreeing.

“The thick growth of trees around the keep does not help. It makes it far too easy for anyone to disappear into the woods without notice. I told Newlin that a good many of them have to come down.”

A questionable scowl surfaced between her husband’s eyes, and she pointed to the spot between her eyes, then to him and scowled in question herself.

“I do have something on my mind,” he admitted, “and I know not if it is truth or fearful wagging tongues that have created it. Newlin insists a demon haunts the woods and that a dark cloaked figure has been seen holding a beating heart in his hand.”


Dawn stretched herself awake the next morning and smiled as her husband’s hand found its way beneath her bunched-up nightdress to faintly brush over her stomach and up to cup and caress her right breast.