“Lord Torin.”

He turned to see his tracker standing there. “What is it, Kinnell?”

“Something that needs your immediate attention,” Kinnell said.

Torin turned to Flora.

“Go, my lord, I can see myself back to the keep,” she said softly though was curious about what the one other thing was he was about to tell her.

Kinnell grinned as they walked away and kept his voice low when he said, “She is a beauty.”

“Only because we have been friends since young lads barely able to walk will I allow you to say that of my soon-to-be wife,” Torin said with his own grin. “I am lucky to have found a woman more prone to silence than chatter and, aye, she is a beauty as well.”

“And have you told her what awaits her?” Kinnell asked.

“Nay, and I do not intend to, not until we reach home,” Torin said annoyed.

“Wise choice,” Kinnell said. “I do not think she will be too happy when she learns she will share the keep with a ghost.”


Dawn paced in front of the hearth in the Great Hall, frustrated. Yesterday the lass failed to show where she had twice been spotted. This morning after breakfast she had attempted the same and again she had failed. Was the young lass too fearful to reach out to her again or had something happened to her? She did not like the thought of one so young on her own in the woods. Whatever was she doing there?

She stopped and caught Dermid watching her. He was ever watchful of her as if fearful of taking his eyes off her. She could only imagine the warnings Cree had given the young warrior should something happen to her while in Dermid’s protection. She was grateful for his presence, feeling strangely apprehensive since she had woken well before sunrise this morning.

Cree had sensed her unease when he woke to find her sitting on the bench by the fire. He had gone to her, snatched her up, and carried her back to bed, then wrapped his big, warm body around her and told her that whatever it was that disturbed her she was to leave it be until later.

He had hugged her tight against him and the heat from his body seeped into hers and the way he caressed her lightly had her dozing off and sleeping for a while longer. She started pacing again. Her husband had also been right to have ordered an end to her vigil for the lass for a while. It had gotten colder, though no snow fell, and he had insisted she return inside and stay warm. She had gotten annoyed at him and was sorry for it now. He had only been thinking of her well-being.

Dawn stopped suddenly and listened, having heard what she thought was a muffled scream. Tavia was busy in her bedchamber seeing to the last of her packing and Flora had gone to her bedchamber after breakfast, Dawn assumed to try and come to terms with a marriage she did not want.

The noise came again, a bit stronger this time, at least she thought it did. Another quickly followed after it, and she listened trying to make sense of what she heard. When two more strong ones followed, she knew exactly what they were and where they came from, and she took off running.

“My lady! My Lady, STOP!” Dermid called out, running after her.

She had always been quick on her feet and even with a rounded belly she had kept some speed. Unfortunately, Dermid was quick as well and sneaked past her to block the door that led to the dungeon.

“Lord Cree commands you dinnae go down there,” Dermid said.

Dawn glared at him and pointed for him to get out of her way.

“Ah cannae do that, my lady,” Dermid said. “I must follow Lord Cree’s order.”

Another scream echoed up from below and even Dermid cringed.

Dawn lowered her head, shaking it as she turned away, then she suddenly grabbed her stomach and leaned against the wall, her face twisted in pain.

“My lady! “My lady!” Dermid cried out not sure what to do.

Dawn cringed again, keeping one hand on her stomach and pointed down the hall.

“Help? You want me to get help?” he asked and when she nodded he rushed off.

He looked back twice at her and moved faster when her cringed turned worse. Once he was out of sight, Dawn made her move. She flung open the door and an agonizing scream pierced her heart as she hurried down the stairs, feeling a slight twinge in her ankle as she slipped on one of the stone steps, but kept her balance.

Shock had her halting abruptly when she spotted Newlin standing outside the open cell where Fia had been forced to kneel bent over the bench naked with her arms hugging it tight while a man repeatedly struck her with a thin tree branch that had been sliced at the end into multiple strips. Dawn did not think twice. She rushed past Newlin into the cell and flung herself over Fia.