She gestured to him as Newlin and Torin talked.

“Nay, I am right where I need to be in case there is an altercation and I have to rescue Torin from Flora,” he whispered with a grin.

Dawn gestured again.

“Aye, I truly am enjoying this. I actually hoped I would not miss it.”

Dawn shook her head and settled comfortably beside her husband with a grateful nod to the servant who filled her tankard with hot cider.

“Does Henry search today, Lord Cree?” Newlin asked.

“He searches every day, Newlin. As he tells me, there is always something new to find,” Cree said.

“My tracker, Kinnell, is impressed with Henry’s skills and has spent time talking with him to see what he can learn,” Torin said.

“Henry is generous with his knowledge. Your tracker will learn much from him,” Cree said, thinking he had not mentioned his tracker before now. Which meant he did not share as freely as one thought he did.

Dawn smiled when Flora entered the Great Hall. She looked lovely, a slight blush highlighting not only her cheeks but her beauty. She looked far different from when she and Cree had first arrived, having healed well in the week they had been here. She wore an underdress and tunic of a mixture of gold and green and her long, dark hair was artfully braided with gold ribbon running through the braid that rested on her breast.

“Look at Torin, he is dumbfounded,” Cree whispered to his wife with a laugh.

Dawn looked to the man and her husband was right. He sat staring at Flora, his mouth agape. She smiled, thinking Flora had prepared for this meeting wisely.

Torin gathered his wits and stood as Flora approached the table and caught the woman off guard, saying, “You are a beautiful woman. I am proud to take you as my wife. I will treat you well and always, always keep you safe.”

Newlin beamed. “Lord Torin is a good man to pledge this to you.”

“He actually is,” Cree whispered to Dawn, not taking his eyes off the couple.

“I am grateful,” Flora said softly, her voice strained from yelling at her uncle yesterday.

Cree watched as Torin offered his hand to assist Flora to sit beside him and caught the warning look Newlin shot at her.

Flora graciously accepted his hand and was surprised that while strong there was a gentleness to his touch.

“I am grateful that your uncle accepted my offer. Your quiet, demure nature is exactly what I was hoping to find in a wife.”

Cree choked on the ale he had just swallowed, and Dawn hit him on the back extra hard.

“Aye,” Newlin said. “Flora will make you a good wife.”

Flora smiled sweetly while keeping her lips tightly closed fearful of spewing out something she would regret.

“I have decided the ceremony will take place within two days’ time,” Newlin said, which had Flora’s head snapping in his direction. “Though you will not take your leave until Lord Bhric arrives.”

If her uncle thought that appeased Flora he was mistaken and since it would be unwise to display her displeasure, she turned apprehensive eyes on her soon-to-be-husband. “Forgive me, but this is all far too fast for me.” She dramatically rested her hand to her chest. “I have had no time to prepare for such an important moment.”

“You adapt easily, Flora, just as you did when you arrived here,” Newlin said, seeing her attempt to turn things her way and perhaps delay the marriage.

Torin wondered for a moment if he had misjudged Flora. Did her gentle nature portend weakness? He preferred a quiet woman, but also a strong woman who did not upset easily or turn weak at any given threat.

“Why don’t we take a walk and talk privately and see if I can alleviate some of your apprehensions,” Torin suggested.

Newlin looked nervously at Flora, a slight shake to his head as if warning her.

“You can walk with me to the healer’s cottage,” Flora said pleasantly.

“Are you ill?” Torin asked with concern. He did not need a wife who took ill often.

Newlin jumped with a plausible explanation, not wanting Torin to change his mind about Flora. “A slight malaise from her travel here.”

Flora smiled sweetly at her uncle. “Aye, and your prisoner suggested a good remedy for it.”

Newlin’s eyes shot wide with anger, but it was Torin who ordered, “You will take nothing that woman prescribes, nor will you listen to anything she says.”

Cree kept his voice to a whisper when he leaned his head down to his wife, “I feel for Torin. He is getting more than he realizes.”

Dawn tapped his chest then her own and grinned.

“Aye, I did get more than I bargained for with you, wife—I got love.”

His affectionate remark turned her heart soft and her smile as well and she coiled her arm around his and gave it a loving squeeze.