He had thought standing in front of her naked might help move things along since it always worked for his wife when she stood naked in front of him, though his surrender was hasty, and talk stopped instantly once she was naked.

His hands halted when he went to ease her out of her underdress. “You base this assumption on what Fia has told you, but what if she does not speak the truth? She tells you to trust the lass but what if she lies? What if she lies about everything and she truly is evil? What if Newlin is right when he says the woman coerced Tavia into making the cell more comfortable for her?”

Dawn shook her head.

“You cannae say for sure if Fia speaks the truth or not. You do not know her.” His arm went around his wife’s waist. “I know you feel for the woman and what may happen to her, but I have met women who are pure evil—”

My mother, Dawn mouthed.

“Your mother was greedy. She cared about no one but herself,” Cree said, sorry he had caused her to recall her mother and the hurtful pain the woman had caused her.

Evil, she mouthed correcting him and gestured.

“I forgot how Beast took to Fia. He usually does make it known when he does not like or does not trust someone. Still, it would not be wise of us to only follow the dog’s instinct.”

Dawn looked to Beast curled up on a blanket by the hearth sound asleep. She pointed to him, patted her chest, then looked at her husband.

“I know you trust him,” Cree said. He did as well, and he would forever be grateful to the large dog for saving her life and the way he continued to protect her. “Fia may very well be a good woman, but caution is called for until we know more, and Beast would agree with me. Besides, Dawn, all the problems here are not for us to solve. They are meant for others.”

Dawn thought about what Fia had told her that she was meant to meet her fate here and nothing would change that. She was resigned to it and who was Dawn to interfere with her fate? Still, it troubled her, for she believed Fia was a good woman.

Cree kissed her cheek. “Time to stop talking.”

She smiled loving her husband even more for treating her as if she had a voice everyone could hear. She reached down and captured her husband’s hard shaft gently in her hand.

“I hear you loud and clear, wife,” Cree said and hurried her out of the last of her garments and up into his arms to carry her to the bed.

She spread her legs welcoming him when he laid her on the bed.

“I do not want to wait either,” he said, his passion driving a fierce need to be inside her, join with her as if they were one, and burst with pleasure that only their enduring love could bring.

Cree slipped inside her and they were soon both lost in pleasure.


“How could you, Da?” Tavia said to her father as Cree and Dawn entered the Great Hall.

They had spent time after the morning meal walking and stopping to talk not far from where Dawn had seen the young lass and possibly drawing her out from her hiding spot. Cree had his warriors waiting in hopes of apprehending her so that Dawn would no longer need to be involved with the lass’ capture. If unsuccessful, Dawn would walk the area by herself, something Cree had hoped to avoid.

“You had no right to countermand my orders,” Newlin said sternly. “The woman is a prisoner for a reason. I will get nothing out of her if she is treated well.”

“You left her one blanket, no more, and you ordered that she get one small meal a day.”

“Enough for her to survive until I deem otherwise,” her da said and shook his finger at his daughter. “And you are forbidden to go down into the dungeon. I fear she has worked her evil on you. You have always been an obedient daughter but that has changed with this woman’s presence.”

“You should pay heed to your da’s command,” Torin advised. “Lord Bhric certainly will not tolerate such disrespect from you.”

Newlin sent his daughter a warning scowl to hold her tongue before ordering, “Go bring Flora here so Torin may speak with her.”

“Lord Cree and Lady Dawn, please join us,” Newlin offered as Tavia fled the room, her anger apparent in the glare she had turned on her da before leaving.

Cree was eager to see how the meeting between Torin and Flora went, but his wife gestured at a table next to the one where Newlin and Lord Torin sat.

“Dawn and I will sit here, while you see to this matter,” Cree said. He assisted his wife to sit and leaned over to whisper in her ear, “We better not miss anything sitting here.” He received a jab in the chest for his humor and he chuckled softly and sat at her side where he would have the better view.