Dawn frowned at his plan, thinking her plan much better.

“You are not going off with the lass. I have no idea what might be waiting for you, and I do not care if Fia says the lass is no danger to you. It could be a trap and you will not take such a foolish chance.” Cree grabbed his wife’s stubborn chin that had jutted out while he spoke. “I mean it, Dawn. Dinnae be obstinate and defy me on this.”

He was the one being obstinate. She had not suggested she go off completely alone with the lass, she had suggested just enough distance, with Beast by her side, to see where the lass might take her. But sensing his fear and worry over her, she capitulated.

She rested her hand on his wrist and eased his hand off her chin. She tapped her chest, then his, patted his lips, and nodded.

Cree did not realize he sighed in relief. He rested his brow to hers. “You take chances at times that frighten me, and I do not frighten easily.”

Dawn kissed him, a gentle, heartfelt kiss that said what she wished he could hear her say, I love you.

Cree knew that kiss well and could almost hear the words. “I love you as well.”

He rested his cheek on top of her head after her head dropped gently to his shoulder. At that moment he wished they were home, and he could carry her to their bedchamber and enjoy time alone together without interruption, though with the twins that might not happen. God, but he was content with his wife and family. He decided there and then with Lord Bhric arriving within a week that if it was not settled by then, they would take their leave and the problem would be his to see to.

“My lord.”

Cree looked up and Dawn lifted her head off her husband’s shoulder to see Henry approach them.

“I have found something.”


Cree sat forward, as did Dawn, and pointed for Henry to sit. “Tell me.”

Henry sat and leaned in closer as if he did not wish to share what he was about to say with anyone else. “I believe someone besides myself is tracking in the woods.”

“Another tracker?” Cree asked, his mind alert with possibilities.

“Aye, my lord,” Henry confirmed. “And I can find no signs that others are with him. He tracks alone.”

“Which means someone has sent him, but to track who?” Cree asked.

“He is a skilled tracker. It took me time to actually pick up on his tracks and I am sure I have missed many. As to who he tracks ah cannae be sure, though there are some signs that he follows the demon’s tracks—the woman who was captured.”

Cree wondered over this new piece to the puzzle and where it could possibly fit. “Do you think you will be able to track him down?”

“That is the strange part, my lord. From what I have discovered so far all signs point to him having left the area. Perhaps his task was complete with the capture of the woman,” Henry suggested.”

“Could the tracker belong to Lord Torin?” Cree asked. With the man adverse to command, he may have taken it upon himself to use his own tracker without mentioning it to anyone.

“Nay, my lord,” Henry said, shaking his head. “The tracks go nowhere near Lord Torin’s men, though I did find a barely noticeable one near the edge of the woods by the keep.”

The news disturbed Cree that a man was able to get that close to the keep without being spotted, but then the young lass had as well, but how? “He got that close?”

“Aye, but he never set foot past the woods. He was probably fearful of being spotted.”

“Show me,” Cree said and stood, and Beast hurried to his side.

Dawn had noticed the dog stir and his ears perked up when Henry joined them. He was waiting for this moment to get outside.

Dawn nodded and pointed for Cree to take Beast.

He leaned down, his hand firm on the table. “I plan to look into other things so I may be a while.”

Dawn nodded and patted her chest letting him know she would be busy as well. She watched him walk off while thinking of taking the many random pieces they had collected and somehow making them fit and hopefully finding more pieces of the puzzle that had grown much too large and intricate. She also had another task she would see done, well not that she would see it done, but it would get done.

Dawn decided to go find Tavia and Flora and see the task completed first before she sat and contemplated the pieces of the puzzle so far.

“It must be Lord Ivan’s tracker,” Newlin said and gave Torin a quick glance. “Unless Lord Bhric sent a tracker.”