Cree was thinking the same and he warned with a whisper, “His home. His decision.”

Torin was disappointed that Flora had yet to join them for the morning meal. He thought to inquire about her, but that would suggest interest and he was not ready to reveal that just yet.

Torin stood. “The problems here since my arrival have delayed the task Lord Bhric requested of me. I must spend the day seeing to make sure I have all that is needed to report to Lord Bhric.”

Newlin turned on his daughter as soon as Torin was gone. “You need to hold your tongue or Lord Bhric may decide against the marriage and see it invalidated before it even begins.”

“Newlin, I offer my help again to save your daughter from an unwanted marriage,” Cree said.

Surprisingly, it was Tavia who responded. “Lord Cree, my father and I truly appreciate your offer, but my da is right. This marriage to Lord Bhric is necessary to sustain the clan’s future. His land is vast and borders a small section of ours to the north and his home is only two days from here. He commands a sizeable army of warriors, and his wealth is substantial. I must marry one day, and it would be foolish of me not to wed a man who can provide more than sufficiently for my clan.”

Newlin wiped at the tears that gathered in his eyes before they could fall and show weakness in front of the mighty Cree. He cleared his throat and spoke with pride. “My daughter is a brave woman and does what is good for her clan.”

“She makes you proud, Newlin,” Cree said and looked to Tavia. “But remember what I say here this day to you, Tavia. If your marriage should ever become unbearable, reach out to me and I will help you and your clan.”

Dawn squeezed her husband’s thigh beneath the table, letting him know how pleased she was with his offer.

“I am grateful, Lord Cree, and will keep it in mind,” Tavia said and seeing the worry in her da’s eyes, added, “But I believe all will go well for me with Lord Bhric.”

“I hope that is so,” Lord Cree said.

Newlin hurried off the bench. “I should go see if Lord Torin needs anything.”

As her da rushed off, Tavia said, “And I should see what has kept Flora from joining us this morning.” With a nod to Lord Cree and Lady Dawn, she took her leave.

“Before you tell me what the prisoner said to you—”

Fia, she mouthed twice, letting him know the woman’s name.

“Fia?” he asked to make sure he understood her correctly.

Dawn confirmed with a nod.

“I do not care how much you pester Newlin about cleaning the dungeon, but you will not take it upon yourself to see it done. This is Newlin’s home and we need to respect his decision,” Cree said.

She tapped his chest and shook her head.

“Granted I have countermanded his orders, but it was in regard to the reason I came here to help him.” He raised his hand when she went to argue. “Cleaning the dungeon does not help in that regard in any way. I know you understand that, which is why you will leave this matter be.” Before she could protest, he asked, “What did Fia tell you?”

Slow gestures and a few mouthed words and Dawn explained all to him.

“A promise holds her tongue, which means she knows something that probably would help us.” Cree shook his head. “But why not tell us?”

Dawn gestured again.

“You think the wee lass, Fia says is no danger and needs help, holds the answer?”

Dawn nodded.

Cree ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. “A dead man in the woods, a small group of mercenaries, a two-hoofed creature, a demon, a wee lass who beckons, people missing without a trace, do they all somehow connect or are they separate issues entirely?”

Dawn felt and understood his frustration, but she was also eager to return home especially after Fia warned her about an early delivery. She tapped his chest, then hers and parted her hands showing distance.

Cree scowled. “I would think you are telling me we should separate, but that cannae be right.”

She nodded and continued to gesture eager for him to understand her plan.

Cree listened, her gestures becoming clear once he understood what separation she meant. “You will gather all you can on the missing people and anything to do with inside the keep and I will see to gathering everything outside the keep, except the lass?”

Dawn nodded and explained.

“Aye, it does seem that she only appears to you, which means she somehow knows to trust you.” Cree jabbed at her chest just as she did to him on occasion. “You will not go off alone with her. Dermid will remain with you at all times in the keep, but once outside two more warriors will follow. One will report immediately to me if you spot the lass again and you will go to her slowly so we may capture her before you reach her.”