Dawn shuddered at the thought of the woman suffering torture.

Cree tugged her close, understanding his wife’s reaction. “She brings it on herself if she does not talk. And you will not go speak with her again.” When his wife did not respond with a gesture, he said, “I will have your word, Dawn.”

She tapped his arm twice.

“You tell me you will not obey my word?” he asked, a spark of anger in his voice.

She nodded firmly.

“You not only risk your own safety but that of our bairn,” he reminded.

She shook her head.

“She could be a demon,” he snapped, and she laughed, tapped his chest, and shook her head. “All right, so ah dinnae believe that. Still, she could have evil tendencies.”

Dawn shook her head again and with slow gestures told him what Fia had told her about their unborn bairn.

“A son.” His hand went to rest on his wife’s stomach. “Old Mary predicted that as well, and the prisoner cautioned you not to linger that our son would come sooner than expected?”

She nodded, her hand going to rest over his. The bairn chose that moment to give his mum a good kick.

Cree and Dawn both smiled.

“He is an eager one, even more active than the twins were,” Cree said. “He just may be a handful.”

Dawn tapped his chest.

“Like me?”

She nodded.

Cree laughed. “He will meet his match in his sister Lizbeth.”

Dawn laughed as well.

“So, you think I am a handful,” Cree said, nibbling along her ear.

She slipped her hand down to take hold and caress his aroused shaft and nodded, passion flaring in her eyes.

“Not yet I’m not, but I am sure you will see to making it so,” he said and settled his lips to nibble at her neck as her hand saw to doing just that.

Dawn woke suddenly and seeing the fire had almost died out realized it had to be close to sunrise. She turned to see Cree sound asleep on his back, snoring lightly. He was in a dead sleep. This was her chance and she intended to take it. She got out of bed slowly and quietly and held her finger to her lips when she saw Beast stretch himself awake.

She donned her garments with haste and did not braid her hair until she and Beast stepped outside the room and quietly closed the door. Once done, she made her way down to the kitchen and was not surprised to see Stuart there.

“My lady, is something wrong?” he asked, worry in his every word.

She shook her head and went to the door to let Beast out, leaving it ajar for when he returned. She gestured eating and drinking.

“You are hungry,” Stuart said with relief.

Dawn nodded, not wanting to let the man know what she intended for fear he would alert her husband.

“Please go and keep warm by the fire in the Great Hall and I will bring the food to you,” Stuart said.

Dawn shook her head, pointed to a bowl and tankard and gestured she would take it herself.

Stuart did not even think to argue after what happened to land him in the stocks and in the cell with a demon close by. He did as she asked without question.

Beast returned and sat, looking at Stuart.

“I have his bowl ready,” Stuart said.

Dawn smiled her appreciation, grabbed Beast’s bowl, then sat her bowl on top before grabbing the tankard. With a nod and a wider smile to Stuart, she left. She confused Beast for a minute when she did not take the turn that would take them to the Great Hall. Her nod was all he needed to follow her down the hallway and to the door that led to the dungeon.


“How kind and generous of you, my lady,” Fia said when Dawn handed her the bowl of food and the tankard. She placed them on the ground and reached between the bars to give Beast a rub beneath his chin as he waited patiently for Dawn to place his bowl down. “A gentle giant but ferocious when necessary. He protects you well.”

That Beast trusted her enough to allow her to touch him was all Dawn needed to know that she was right about the woman. She was no demon. Beast was good at sensing people who were not to be trusted. Those he deemed trustworthy were granted the distinct honor of petting him.

“Your husband will be angry you came here,” Fia said.

Dawn smiled and held two fingers close together.

Fia smiled. “Only a little?”

Dawn nodded and though only two torches cast a light in the cramped space, she could see that beneath the grime Fia was a beautiful woman.

“I think I spotted a small bench near the wall,” Fia said, pointing to the spot. “You should sit while we talk.”

Dawn retrieved the bench and placed it close to the cell door. She grabbed one of the metal bars to lower herself down, needing the extra help with her stomach so rounded.