“Rest,” he whispered after kissing her cheek. “I will wake you later.”

That sounded promising to Dawn, and she grinned and mouthed, promise?

“Definitely,” he whispered and kissed her cheek again and motioned for Dermid to follow her.

Dawn shook her head and pointed to the table that some of Cree’s warriors occupied. Dermid had spent enough time with her. He needed time with fellow warriors, and it was not necessary for him to stand outside the door while she slept. She was safe enough here in the keep.

“You will take Beast with you,” Cree said, and Dawn nodded, the dog already by her side.

Dawn left the room but not before taking one last glance at her husband. The size of him alone ruled the room. There was no one who could come close. Her husband was and would always be a commanding presence. The thought left her feeling safe and secure and she left the room intending to climb the stairs to their bedchamber but stopped. She was chilled and a hot brew would do her good. With no servant in sight, she made her way to the kitchen, Beast close at her side.

“My lady, how may I help you?” Cora said as soon as she entered.

Dawn lifted her hand to her mouth as if drinking.

“A hot brew?” Cora asked to be sure, and Dawn nodded. “It will take a moment. I can have it brought to you.”

Dawn shook her head and pointed to the floor signifying that she would wait.

Cora understood. “It will only be a moment, my lady.”

Dawn nodded just as the door opened and Beast rushed for it, running out before the hapless fellow could shut it on him. She hurried after him, shaking her head.

A light snow was falling, which was probably why Beast ran out. His head was already buried in a snowdrift and his body would disappear soon enough. She would give him a few minutes to enjoy himself. She yawned, eager to seek her bed and rest, more tired than she realized. A few more minutes and Beast would need to forgo his fun and enjoy a nap, something she did not think he would mind. She turned to glance at the spot where she had seen the young lass, not expecting to see her again, but to her surprise she did.

Even from a distance she could tell the wee lass was sad and this time she stretched her hand out to Dawn as if begging for help. Instinct had her taking a step forward, but she stopped, realizing at that moment it could very well be a ruse that had been used to lure the missing people. After all, who could resist helping a wee lass? Besides, she had promised Cree she would take no chances, though if she was not with child, she might have done otherwise.

Dawn clapped her hands and turned to see Beast shoot out of the snow, barking and running to her side. She turned back hoping the lass might still be there, but she was gone. She gestured for Beast to sit at her side, and he did. She stared off in the distance. There was no doubt now the young lass was real, but what did she want from Dawn. Help? Or to lure her away like the others?

Cree was not surprised when Torin took a seat at a table by the hearth, keeping his back to the flames, though not for warmth. He sat where he had the advantage of seeing the whole room and where someone could not come up unexpectedly behind him. He was a man who did not trust easily, but then a wise leader was always extra cautious, just as Cree was now. There was far more to Torin’s visit than he said.

“What brings you here to Clan Strathearn?” Torin asked after taking a generous swallow of ale.

Torin supplied Cree with the reason for his stop here without the man realizing it, leaving Cree to respond bluntly. “You know full well the reason for my visit. Tongues wag fast and far in the Highlands, though the repeated telling can often embellish or omit facts. Lord Bhric sent you to find out the truth.”

Torin stared at Cree for a few tense moments before a slight smile surfaced on his face. “I am impressed, Lord Cree. I heard there is no braver, wiser, or skilled warrior than you. I am beginning to believe the tales.”

“Anytime you want a demonstration of my skills, I will gladly oblige you,” Cree said.

Torin raised his hands as if warding Cree off. “Not necessary. I have long respected the tales I have heard about you. And you are right about my reason for stopping here. When Lord Bhric heard of your presence here, he grew concerned.” Torin turned to Newlin. “Lord Bhric wondered why you summoned Lord Cree to help when your clan and his wife are now his responsibility.”