Dawn smiled, patted her chest, and pointed to Tavia.

“It is nice to know you feel the same,” Tavia said, feeling she had made a trusted friend in Dawn, though they had only met each other.

Dawn eagerly tapped her lips and pointed to Tavia, urging her to talk.

Tavia looked to the flames flickering in the hearth. “It is not easy for me to ask this of you and if you feel uncomfortable discussing it with me, I understand and I mean no disrespect in asking you.”

Her words gave Dawn an idea of what the young woman was about to ask.

Gathering courage with the squeeze of her hands in her lap, Tavia said, “I need to know about the intimate duties of a wife.”


Tavia took a steadying breath before she continued. “Ah cannae remain ignorant of what happens between a husband and wife in the marriage bed now that I am wed and about to meet my husband. Hopefully, knowing what to expect will make me less fearful and more prepared.” She turned in her chair to look directly at Dawn. “I thought if I could ask you some aye and nay questions, it might help me.”

Dawn nodded. There had been many times she wished she had a voice, and this was one of those times.

“Do you enjoy wifely duties?” Tavia asked.

Dawn smiled broadly and her head bobbed repeatedly.

Tavia could not help but smile herself, though it faded quickly as she contemplated her next question. “Do humans mate similar to animals?”

Dawn had not been ignorant of what had gone on between husband and wives and willing women and men as well. Like Tavia, she had seen animals mate, and women from her station in life would talk amongst themselves. Though neither had truly prepared her for the intimate act itself. It had been far more enjoyable than she had expected, but she believed that was because she and Cree had truly cared for each other before realizing that they truly loved each other.

Dawn nodded and held up both hands, joining the end of her thumb and pointer to form a circle. Then she repeatedly slid her other pointer finger in and out of the circle hole and silently sighed as if delighted.

“You enjoyed it? It does not hurt?” Tavia asked anxiously.

Dawn would not lie to her. She held her pointer and thumb barely touching while holding her other pointer finger up.

“A little? Just one time?” Tavia asked.

Dawn nodded.

“That is good to know,” Tavia said and appeared hesitant in asking another question.

Dawn waited and took the tankard off the table to take a quick sip before putting it back.

It was not long before Tavia asked, “Lord Cree loves you very much, doesn’t he?”

Dawn smiled wide, nodding and patting her chest, then hugging herself.

Tavia understood and smiled. “You love him just as much.”

Dawn nodded.

“Do you think that makes a difference when mating?”

Dawn patted her chest and nodded.

Tavia confirmed what seemed obvious. “To you it does.”

Dawn nodded and placed her hand on her chest, then mouthed, heart Cree.

Once again it was easy to understand Dawn. “Your heart belongs to Cree.”

Dawn smiled and nodded again.

“I wonder if it feels different if no love is there,” Tavia said.

Dawn shrugged, having no answer for her.

“Bhric, my husband, was raised a fierce Northman warrior, his mother, Lady Oriana, born of our homeland, fell in love with a Northman, wed him, and went to live in his homeland. He is more Northman than Scotsman.” She turned her eyes on the flames in the hearth. “I cannot help but wonder if that makes him more of a savage.”

The quiet settled between them, Dawn understanding how Tavia felt since Cree’s reputation had left many thinking him a savage. That was probably why so many in Tavia’s clan believed Cree could help them. Only a savage would be fearless enough to face a demon.

“If he is a savage he will not be gentle. I will have to endure my wifely duties.” Tavia turned worried eyes on Dawn. “Do men want to mate often? Will I have to endure night after night of him?”

How did she answer Tavia when she never had to endure coupling with Cree? She loved every minute of intimacy with him whether it be night or day.

Having no answers to her questions, Dawn shrugged and shook her head.

Tavia wrapped her arms tightly around her. “I pray he is a good man like Lord Cree. If not I fear I will be condemned to a living hell.”

Cree leaned his head down to whisper to his wife, “I will soon not be the only one to hear your stomach protest in hunger.”

Dawn smiled and caressed her rounded stomach.

“The bairn is hungry?” Cree asked.

Dawn’s smile grew as she thumped her chest.

Cree grinned. “You are too?”

Dawn nodded and her smile lit her whole face as servants began placing platters and bowls of food on the table on the dais.