She’s a generous woman. She pleaded with the court to be lenient on Jensen, which they granted. He’s now a junior volunteer at the fire department. Together they started a fire safety program that they travel around the state promoting at middle and high school. Despite this being a lenient state when it comes to legally gained marijuana, you have to be reasonable enough not to drive impaired. It’s the same as alcohol. That’s the message they teach through their story.

Zephyr’s ass was pressed against my hard cock when I woke up this morning. I was going to be a gentleman and let her sleep, but she had other plans. I got up to get dressed for the day, but she was standing there, gloriously naked, when I came out of the closet. Her hair was still a jumble of curls from falling asleep with it wet. I stepped forward to kiss her, but she surprised me by dropping to her knees in front of me. She pulled the clasp open on my jeans and pulled my dick out of my boxers. I was helpless to stop her, not that I ever would. The second she wraps her lips around the head, my knees almost buckle. I have to grab the wall to brace myself.

“God, you are so gorgeous on your knees for me,” I groan as my wife sucks my cock expertly. She just sucks harder, as I wrap my hands in her hair. Guiding her, though she doesn’t much need it. Just as I am about to come, I pull her off of me. I have been trying to knock her up, to no avail. I lift her up and line my cock up with her opening and thrust inside of her. Instantly, I feel more at home than I ever have before.

“I love you, Jefferson,” she moans.

“I love you too, luscious girl.” So fucking much. Everything I do is because of her.

I can’t get enough of her, and I know that I never will.

This started as the oddly scariest moment of my life, but I can’t dwell on that. Later, we party hard. I surprised her with a trip to the Bahamas. We spent two sun-filled weeks lying on the beach and making love.

Nine months later, she gave me the first of many children. Our life couldn’t get any better.




For years, I’ve been saying how lucky I am. Ten years, eight children, and I am currently pregnant again, but I think I’m done after this. I watch the children as they play in the backyard. We just got home from work, daycare, and school. I’m exhausted, but they still have so much energy. I represented a client in court today who was suing her sister for half of the rights of some book they wrote together. It’s being made into a movie, and the defendant claimed she wrote it all by herself. We won in twenty minutes. There was so much proof of who did what. It was laughable that it came down to that, but I got paid either way. Right now, I’m watching the kids play duck, duck, goose over the edge of my Kindle from my place in a lounge chair. It’s a delicious story about a modern-day pirate and the sexy shenanigans he and his damsel get up to on the high seas. It’s so good; I don’t want to put it down.

“Daddy!” I hear my oldest, Tamara, suddenly shout. Looking up, I see him. He’s in his station gear, but I'm literally drooling. He’s so fucking hot. He’s aged like George Clooney. Fine as hell.

“Hey darlin’,” he says; lifting her in the air, she comes running toward him.

“You’re home early.”

“Yes. I took the night off. Let’s take of dinner and give mommy a break. What do you say?”

“Pancakes!” she shouts, knowing dinner for breakfast is Jefferson’s specialty.

“Of course. Let’s go, girls,” he says, and one by one, Tamara, Ellie, Sara, Olive, Jenny, Gretchen, and Dahlia follow up like little puppies. Our son, Damien, is in the pack and play. He’s only eighteen months old. He kisses me briefly, too briefly, before picking up Damien and heading into the house through the sliding glass doors.

I smile and finish reading my book. I must have fallen asleep because I jerk awake from a light touch. I look up at my husband and smile.

“Dinner’s ready, luscious girl,” he says, helping me to my feet. I am only five months pregnant and haven’t popped yet, but he’s so considerate.

“Great, your son is hungry,” I say, rubbing my belly. He’s started kicking like crazy when he heard his daddy’s voice.

“Let’s get him fed then. Damien fell asleep. I think he has a bit of a fever. I gave him some medicine.”

“Poor guy. I bet the girls get it next,” I say wearily. My girls are about as over-dramatic as they come, especially when they are sick.