“Yes. A big SUV ran a stop sign and hit me.”

“Yes, that’s true. The teenager was impaired at the time,” the fireman, the presidential one from before, says.


“High as a kite, my dear,” the doctor says, then chuckles at his own joke. “He isn’t much younger than you.”

“Oh,” I say, not knowing what else to say.

“He’s been arrested and is awaiting his court date.”

“Good, I think,” I say, sitting up. I struggle a bit, but I manage. “Can I have some water?”

“Of course, I’ll get it,” the doctor says, leaving the room.

“That’s my father. Do you remember me?”

“I do. You saved me. Jefferson?”

“You can call me Jeff; everyone does.”

“I like Jefferson,” I whisper. He comes closer to the edge of the bed. His cologne overwhelms me.

“I like it when you say it,” he says, his voice gruff. Unbidden, I reach out and grab his hand. He squeezes mine with his much larger, calloused hand, sending a shiver down my spine. I can’t help imaging what his hands would feel like on my naked skin as he slides his cock into me.

“Has anyone called my mom? She must be worried sick.” I have to change the subject, or I’m liable to rub myself against this man like a cat in heat.

“I did. She wants you to call her as soon as you feel up to it.”

“She didn’t come here?” I ask, confused.

“No. I had my mom talk to her as well. She believes us when we say we have it under control.”

“That is so out of character for her.”

“My mom is a very convincing person. You’ll see.” He grins at me, still holding my hand.

“You want me to meet your mom?” I ask, confused. I don’t know what’s happening here, but I don’t hate it.

“I do. I can’t explain it, but I am connected to you. Do you feel it?” he asks urgently.

“I do, but I don’t know you. How can I feel like this?”

“Oh, luscious girl, this is what love, at first sight, feels like.”

“I’ve never been in love before,” I admit.

“Neither have I.”

“Then how do you know?”

“I feel it here,” he says, lifting our joined hands to his heart, and I melt into a puddle.

We don’t get a chance to say anything else because his dad and an older nurse come into the room.

“I’m Edwin, Doctor Sanders. I don’t know what Jeff has told you, but I stole you as a patient for him, so be nice. This is Nurse Edna. Here’s your water and some pain meds. Take them; they will help. I also brought you some chocolate. It’ll help.” I grin but take everything he gives me without a word. I can’t help thinking that this man went to the same school as Professor Lupin from Harry Potter. “Now, Jeff and I will step outside, and Edna will help you get into the shower. The cuts on your face are mostly superficial, but the large one on your neck required thirty stitches. Edna will put a waterproof bandage on it and send some home with you. Then you are good to go.”

“Okay. I don’t need to stay for any more tests?”

“No. We ran CT scans while you were in the ER and up here. There’s no bleeding on the brain or anything out of the ordinary. You were just sleeping.”

“Sleeping? Is that normal?”

“Nothing is normal after trauma. Everyone is different, but I assure you, you are just fine now.”

“Thank you, Doctor Sanders.”

“Edwin is fine, dear. You must come over for dinner once you are settled.”

“Okay, Edwin,” I say, not wanting to argue with him. I am sure I’ll be going home as soon as I can get a rental car. Well, shit, don’t you have to be twenty-five to rent a car?

“I’ll be right outside, luscious girl,” Jefferson says, following his father out the door.

“Ready?” Edna asks.

“Yep,” I say as she unhooks me from an IV.

“Jeff brought your stuff from your car, which is definitely totaled, by the way. It was in the paper yesterday.” I dig in my suitcase for my toiletries and a clean pair of cute pajamas. I have no desire to wear jeans right now.

“Great, thanks,” I say, getting out of bed. I stretch and wiggle my toes on the floor. It feels really good to be out of that bed. I would have assumed that I’d have a catheter or something, but as soon as I stand, I realize that I have some urgent business to take care of. Edna puts a big ass bandage on my neck, and I head into the bathroom.

“I’ll be out here if you need me, but you’re probably good to go.”

“Thank you,” I say, closing the door over but not shutting it. I turn and face the mirror, gasping. My face is full of tiny cuts. I look awful, but I can’t care about that right now. I take care of business and then step into the shower. With the water as hot as I can stand it, I wash my body. It soothes all the little aches and pains. I can’t believe a kid caused all this damage. I make it a quick shower because people are waiting for me. I skip washing my face, but I do brush my teeth. I pull on a sports bra and a pair of panties, then I pull the bandage off and see the jagged cut on my neck. It’s about five inches long or so, but the stitches are clean. It’ll be a pretty cool scar. This could have been so much worse. I thank God that I’m alive and pull my pajamas on.