“Huh. That’s a very large mirror.”

Talented fingers undid my pants and pushed them and my panties down to my ankles. With his foot, he widened my stance. As far as the shackles of my clothing would allow. His hands smoothed over my wet cunt and he smiled at me in the mirror. There were a lot of sharp teeth in that smile. Here was a man about to take a bite out of me. And I couldn’t wait.

After further wetting his cock head with saliva, he lined himself up with my opening and asked, “We good?”

“Um. Yeah.”

A snap of the hips and he impaled me on his thick length. All while I watched him in the mirror. His dark hair fell forward over his face, but his hungry gaze never left me. The way my insides quaked around him. He gripped my hips tight, fucking into me sure and true.

I didn’t recognize myself. The girl with dazed eyes sprawled across the table taking it from behind was a stranger to me. But this was my life now. This was where I belonged. Sex with rock stars in luxury penthouses was my thing now, apparently. And it blew my little mind.

Garrett leaned over me, shoving a hand up the front of my shirt to grasp hold of a breast. The fervor in his eyes and the thrusts of his cock had me trembling. It was in the skilled and proprietary way he handled me. How he fucked with such stamina and skill. This was my man. My person. I have no idea how I got this lucky. But I was never letting go.

“There we are,” he said. That’s you and me. See how good we are together?”

I could only nod.

His teeth grazed my spine. “You need to catch up, babe.”

His hand reversed direction and slid down my front to play with my clit. Rubbing circles and driving me wild. He had me gasping in no time. It was like my insides turned upside down and inside out. The heat of our combined bodies and the thrill flowing through me. How it all centered in my sex and felt so fucking fine. I convulsed around him as he gritted his teeth and came.

I collapsed on the table and he rested against my back, both of us working hard to catch our breath. His fingers swept up and down my side, beneath my shirt.

“You don’t ever have to apologize for coming and finding me,” he said. “I always want you with me, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed with a smile.

He lifted my hair and placed a kiss at the back of my neck. “Let me go deal with these last few meetings, babe, and then we can go home.”

To celebrate our one-month anniversary, The Dead Heart were playing a set at the Wildwood Bar and Grill. Though, to be honest, it was mostly about trying out their new songs on a small audience. Having the band ease back into performing live together, since it had been a while. Emma and Yong were ecstatic for the extra business. While organizing the security and so on had been hard work, all of the locals were excited to see the show.

It also coincided with the opening of the new ice cream shop, a clothing boutique, and the relocation of Magda’s hairdressing salon. Claude and Lupe’s diner was another week away. The town library was well on its way to being restored to its former book-lending glory. The movie theater would take a while yet due to extensive damage done by time, neglect, and the weather. But one day we might watch movies on the big screen once more.

Back to the here and now . . . Lucas’s girlfriend, country singer Jessie Moore, was busy signing napkins and scraps of paper at the bar. If the girl flipped her long blond hair one more time, she might do her neck some damage. All of the fawning admiration from local fans suited her just fine.

You might have collected from my tone that she and I did not get along, and you’d be right. Even my new amazing life had some hiccups.

As anticipated, there’d been plenty of people coming and going at home in the last two weeks since recording started. There were several Airstreams parked in Garrett’s yard, with more next door at my old place. They housed a certain member of the band and his plus-one, the producer, the guitar tech, a couple of sound techs, and various security people. Faye and a dude from the record company came and went too.

Miss Therese had refused to evict the various contractors working on Main Street just because some big-name music industry types wanted a room. Not even when they offered to pay extra. And good on her. Garrett had told them they were fools to ask, but they wouldn’t believe him.