“You could say that.”

He placed a kiss to the exposed slip of skin. “Good to know.”

“Such a vested interest in my lingerie.”

“You’re damn right,” he said with a smile. “What say we check out that restaurant in Falls Creek you wanted to go to when I get back?”

“That would be lovely. If you think the superfans will have decamped by then.”

“Now that they know I’m here, there might always be a couple around,” he said. “I know it’s a lot. But do you think you can get used to that?”

“Won’t know unless I try.”

“Being with me is kind of complicated, huh?”

I smiled. “One step at a time.”

“Babe, if you want to go home, I understand. I had the air-con fixed today while you were at work, so that won’t be a problem.”

“You fixed my air-con while having meetings and putting your band back together?”

“I had it fixed. Yes.”

“That’s some pretty great multitasking, Garrett. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He started pulling up my top, inch by slow inch. The pads of his fingers traced across my belly before dipping a little lower. “How do you feel about being naked with me right now?”

“It’s a yes from me.”

The way his smile turned vaguely lecherous was thrilling. “Good. Toe off your shoes?”

“I can’t—they’re laced too tight.”

Without another word, he dropped to his knees in front of me and dealt with them. The way he looked up at me with heat in his eyes made my insides clench in response. It had been a stressful few days. We could both use some relief.

“Way I see it, you’ve got a couple of choices,” he said. “You can stay here with the benefit of the extra security I’ve got on the house and everything. I had the fridge filled and you’re all set.”

“I noticed the food fairies had visited the pantry.”

“Looked like we were going to be feeding a lot of people in the near future.”

“But they’re all going back to L.A. with you now, right?”

“Temporarily. Apart from a couple of security people to keep an eye on the house, and your bodyguards.” He unbuttoned my jeans and lowered the zipper. “I trust that’s okay with you?”

“I know it’s important to you. So no, it’s not a problem. At least until we know things have definitely calmed down around here.”

“Thank you,” he said, tugging my jeans down my legs so I could step out of them. For a moment, he stared at the gray silk and lace panties with their Brazilian back. He even ran a finger along either side, beneath the waistband above my thighs. “They’re very nice.”

“You approve?”

“Oh yeah.” He licked his lips and his gaze turned a little dazed. “What were we talking about?”

“Me moving back home.”

“Right. Yeah. If it’s what you want, then okay. It’s not ideal, because your place isn’t fenced. But we can make it work if we have to. What’s important is that you’re comfortable.”

I threaded my fingers through his hair, brushing it back from his face. To be able to touch him like this was a gift. One I’d never get over.

“I’d rather you stayed here, of course,” he continued. “You’re safer here, and I happen to like knowing you’re here.”

“I just miss my stuff, you know?”

“Understandable.” He thought the situation over for a minute and then he said, calm as can be, “Why don’t we just move your things over?”

I froze. “What?”

“It’s not like there isn’t plenty of room.”

I was not hyperventilating. That was someone else. There was, however, every chance I was having a heart attack. “Garrett, did you just ask me to move in with you?”

“Yeah,” he said. “You being here just makes sense to me.”

“You can’t just ask me to move in with you.”

“Why not?”

“Well . . . it’s too soon, for starters. I’ve never even lived with a boyfriend before. This is like a really big thing.”

He gazed turned amused. “Babe, your house is right next door. It’s not going anywhere. If you decide you don’t like it here or you get sick of me, you can just move back.”

“What if you get sick of me?”

“I don’t see that happening,” he said. “Do me a favor and take that top off, will you?”

“Holy shit. I mean . . . fuck. You can’t just do that.”

“But I already did. Guess it’s your turn to freak out. It kind of makes a nice change, really.” He rose to his feet. “Deep breaths. That’s it. You’re okay.”

“You think this is funny. But you can’t just ask someone to move in when you’ve been with them for all of two days, Garrett.”

“Who made that rule?” he asked. I tried to cover my face with my hands, but he set my palms on his chest instead. “I told you I knew what this was the other night.”

“Yes. I heard you. And I agreed.”