So much like Bella...

The minutes ticked by and when I couldn’t cope with sitting anymore, I got up and jumped up and down. My stomach was twisted with knots and adrenaline zinged along every arm and leg. It was impossible to relax. Where was Tavlor? I was sure I would be easier to calm down if he was here.

“Ava. It’s time to go,” my father said, standing up and grabbing his cloak.

I twisted around to face him, my mouth dropping open. No! Not yet. That was the last thing I wanted to hear.

“We can’t! Tavlor isn’t back yet.”

And without him, I was convinced, I had no hope of winning. Plus, I felt stronger with him next to me. He was my reminder that no matter what, I could accomplish anything.

My father shrugged, “Well, he’ll have to meet us there. We can’t be late, or they’ll make a decision for you.”

That got me moving. “They wouldn’t.”

How could they?

He chuckled. “Oh, they would. Please tell me you don’t underestimate their desire to find any excuse to be in control.”

I grabbed the ancient book from the table and followed my father out the door, through the portals, and within minutes we were back.

Back inside the dreaded trial room.

I shuddered and clung tight to the tomb I held against my chest. There were so many people here. More than last time. I wasn’t sure if these people were part of the Council or if they were part of the realm. I supposed it didn’t necessarily matter who they were. What I wanted to know was why they were here in the first place. Was this a good sign or a bad one? What should I expect?

I stepped closer to my father and whispered, “Why are there so many people here?”

He turned to whisper the answer into my ear.

“It looks like the Council has brought their spouses, and the family of the man they wish you to be betrothed to,” he said, his eyes narrowing on a particular coupl

e in the front.

I gulped, a cold sweat tickling my neck. I shifted my weight and tried not to think about what that could mean. We were here for me and my decision, nothing else. It would help if Tavlor showed up, though.

Damn. What an uncomfortable situation.

“Why would they do that?” I asked. Why bring their wives and husbands to such an event? It didn’t really make sense.

He smiled and I lifted my gaze to look directly into his eyes. “For the exact reason that has caused this reaction in you,” he said. “They want you on the defensive, worried, and feeling powerless.”

I straightened my spine. They were trying to intimidate me? Again?


He chuckled. “Of course. This trial will be the turning point for a lot of their lives. You’re a lot more important than you realize, Ava.”

My father walked away, going over to speak to two warlocks I’d seen before, but hadn’t spoken to. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, so I tried not to let myself think about it.

I conjured a chair and sat down into it.

Me. Important.

Such a sobering thought.

There was a loud clap and the once buzzing room began to quieten.

“The time has come to begin,” a male voice boomed.